Grand Bahama
Kingdom Worship Centre International's Ordination & Commissioning Service
By Derek Carroll
Oct 12, 2009 - 9:11:48 PM

From left to right they are: Rev'd Valentine Johnson, Rev'd Howard Symonette, Rev'd Gary Cooper, Minister Adrienne Saunders,Pastor Kermit E. Saunders Rev'd Wilfred Seymour, Rev'd Garnett Rolle, Rev'd Patick Pierre

Freeport, Grand Bahama - On Friday 9th October, a conglomerate of religious leaders and friends alike gathered to celebrate with Pastor Kermit E. Saunders and the Kingdom Worship Centre Int’l (K.W.C.I.) family in their first Ordination and Commissioning Ceremony.  From the moment one entered the doors, one knew that God had something very special laid out for the night, not only for those being commissioned and ordained, but also for those that came out to lend support. After nearly a year of studying to show themselves approved, Darren Cooper, Matthew Nixon and Oredas Johnson were ordained to the office of Deacons; Kelda Sweeting was also ordained as a Minister of Music; and Adrienne Saunders (wife of Pastor Saunders), Howard Symonette, Garnett Rolle, Gary Cooper, Valentine Johnson, Patrick Pierre and Wilfred Seymour were ordained as Ministers.


Under the theme ‘Prepared for His Glory’, Pastor Saunders commenced the ceremony with a call to Worship and immediately the presence of God descended and remained throughout. Those present were blessed by the melodious voices of K.W.C.I.’s Praise Team, Interdenominational Mass Choir and by The Grand Bahama Youth Choir who sang a medley acappella, and sounded like a sunrise at the breaking of dawn.

Apostle Paul J. Butler, Sr., Pastor of Bahamas Christian Fellowship Church, Nassau, Bahamas was the speaker of the night and began with the observation of the number of pastors present from all over Grand Bahama that came out to support their brother and friend.  He commented that their presence conveyed, “We stand with you. We support you and we want to see you succeed.” 

Entering into his sermon, Apostle Butler  spoke about Prepared for His Glory and imparted that the glory (the brightness, splendor and radiance of God’s presence) is on the inside of all of us, however, we must not allow impurities and iniquities in our lives to limit the glory from being made manifest in its entirety. He further declared that we are all called, first to salvation, secondly to service and thirdly to the Ministry of Reconciliation. Though those present were gathered to lend support to the Ordinands as they took a step forward in the call God has placed over their lives, Apostle Butler reminded everyone that they all are called to some area of gifting and encouraged all to stay grounded and connected in the things of God so that the Glory of God may too be revealed in them.

Pastor Peter Pinder, Pastor of Zion Baptist Church, Freeport, officiated in the Act of Ordination and admonished the Ordinands of the seriousness and sacredness of the path in which they are about to embark upon. It was indeed a night to be remembered, full of joy and tears, as the chosen eleven made a vow of servitude and commitment to the Kingdom of God. Dressed in their newly adorned robes and equipped with their bible and hymn book in hand, these eleven mighty men and women of God are now Prepared fo r His Glory and ready to go out and impact to the world.

Deacons From left to right are: Deacon Darren Coopr, Deacon Matthew Nixon, Minister of Music Kelda Sweeting, Deacon Oredas Johnson.

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