Grand Bahama
YMCA Steak-out and Family Fun Day - January 30th
Jan 29, 2010 - 3:08:28 AM

Freeport, Grand Bahama Island - With the support of the Rotary Clubs of Grand Bahama, the YMCA will be holding a Family Fun Day and Steak Out on Saturday, January 30th on their grounds.

Come out and support the YMCA as it supports our community. Enjoy corn on the cob, bake potato, dinner roll, and steak.

Activities start at 12 Noon, and there will be things to do for the whole family.

The following is an article from the Freeport News written recently about the YMCA by Andrew Coakley:

When the hurricanes of 2004 blew through Grand Bahama, it left behind a sea of destruction.

Very few buildings and homes were left unscathed.

When Karon Johnson, who was the Assistant Director at the YMCA, along with then Executive Director, Terry Goldsmith went to look at the damages at the YMCA, only one question came up "what will happen to the YMCA from here?"

Five years later, what was a question of doubt and uncertainty has been turned around to one of possibilities - where will the YMCA go to next from here?

Both Goldsmith and Johnson wondered if the YMCA would rebound from such extensive damages. It was a long road, but as this new year rolled in, Johnson, who is now the Executive Director of the YMCA, says that 2009 was more like a cap on what was a long road to the restoration of the YMCA and its programs.

"We've come a long way since the storms of 2004," said Johnson, during an interview with The Freeport News.

"Last year we accomplished a lot, thanks to the community of Grand Bahama. Together we were able to bring back all of the major programs here at the YMCA and now, with this new year, we're looking forward to taking the 'Y' to the next level and beyond."

The restoration of the YMCA began officially in 2006, considering in 2005, another series of hurricanes blew through Grand Bahama, delaying whatever restoration efforts were set to take place.

From 2006 to last year, the process of restoration was a slow one for the Board of Directors of the YMCA, but it was met with commitment and a determination to bring back an institution that was a big part of the community.

"The Board of Directors got together and determined that the YMCA was a focal point in this community and so we wanted to do what it took to ensure that it was restored.

"We were not sure of just how much we could restore, but we knew that we had to try. The Board of Directors, the workers here at the YMCA, sponsors, donors and the community all helped in that effort.

"Today, I can say that the YMCA's programs are about 100 percent restored. Now, we look forward to improving the overall facility and making the YMCA a self-sufficient entity. It's a tall order in some respect, but I believe that with the continued support of the community, we can do that."

Johnson noted that as the YMCA looks forward to what this year will bring, one of their goals will be to establish more fund-raising activities.

To prove that it's not merely an idea, Johnson confirmed that their first fund-raising event will take place on the 31st of this month, which will be their annual Steak-Out and Fun Day.

The event will take place on the grounds of the YMCA, beginning at Noon.

"This is an annual event, but instead of just having a steak-out, what we wanted to do this year was make it a Fun Day, so that parents can bring their kids out and enjoy some of the activities we will have to offer," said Johnson.

"We would like to have the support of the community in this, because we know that the YMCA really belongs to the community. Without their support we would not have gotten to where we are today. So, we invite the Grand Bahama public to come out and be a part of this fund-raising event."

The Steak-Out and Fun Day will begin what is expected to be the start of a fund-raising calendar, beginning this year and beyond.

Johnson said that a number of programs and events are on tap for this year which will all be designed to take the YMCA beyond its present point. She sees this year as an opportunity to begin that "beyond" phase of the YMCA.

"I'm excited about this year and about the possibilities that lie ahead," said Johnson.

"Not only do we want to improve the facilities and the programs here at the 'Y', but we also will be implementing training programs that will be designed to help our staff members improve their education and improve the way they perform their duties."

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