Grand Bahama Labyrinth
Gathering of gratitude for Pastor Andreas Thode
By Barbara Chester
Apr 4, 2009 - 2:07:36 PM

Mrs. Nancy Thode / Pastor Andreas Thode / Jean Hivert, Treasurer G.B.Labyrinth Committee / Barbara Chester, President G.B.Labyrinth Committee

Grand Bahama Labyrinth - On Saturday, 28th March, in brilliant sunshine, there was a very special Celebration Walk and Blessing of the Labyrinth with Pastor Andreas Thode and his wife Nancy. It was Pr. Thode who first introduced 'The Labyrinth as a Sacred Path' in a sermon preached at Our Saviour Lutheran Church in February of 2007.  Shortly after this, he brought over from Florida on the Discovery a canvas Labyrinth which was  walked by the public in the garden of O.S.Church during the weekend of 16 - 18 March 2007. This marked the begging of exhaustive studies carried out by the Sponsor of the G.B.Labyrinth, Barbara Chester.

Pr. Thode had formerly been a regular visiting Preacher at O.S.Church; he was delighted to embrace many old friends who were among the guests witnessing his joy in experiencing the restoration of the beautiful gardens now enhanced by the Grand Bahama Labyrinth. 

His words and Bible passages were very beautiful as he offered thanks and blessings to God, and to everyone responsible for  the creation of this beautiful Labyrinth.  He spoke particularly of Barbara's dedication to the manifestation of the Divine plan for Grand Bahama's Sacred Path of Peace .

There was a happy tea party following the Labyrinth Walk.  Pr. & Mrs. Thode's visit ended after Erika Gates had taken them on a special tour of the magnificently restored Garden of the Groves.

bench has been placed by the Labyrinth in honour and recognition of the important role played by Pastor Andreas Thode.

A special blessing and labyrinth walk in honour of Pastor Thode.

Pastor Thode stands behind the bench in his honour near the Grand Bahama Labyrinth.

There was a happy tea party following the Labyrinth Walk.

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