Inside The Bahamas Weekly
Attention GMail Subscribers of - are you Missing something?
By The Bahamas Weekly Administration
Dec 28, 2008 - 8:16:58 AM

Gmail is a popular email provider, and it has some wonderful benefits. Many persons are moving over to Gmail, and even The Bahamas Weekly uses their services.

We'd like to advise our subscribers who receive our Weekly E-Updates that although GMail may be providing you with great service, you are missing about a third of The Bahamas Weekly's content each week and what you see is a reformatted (altered) version of our news updates . How so? Because gmail 'truncates  (clip/shorten) lengthy emails and it reformats our original layout (Click HERE to view the true format of our weekly news updates).

Apparently GMail truncates email messages longer than a few hundred lines. And if you do find yourself with an email that has been truncated, you need to click a link to read it all. But the full version does not include any of the usually view with images, etc.

Also if you receive long forwards, GMail just forwards the shortened text, without giving you a link to click to read the entire message.

It seems the only way at present to solve the problem is to either use another email program when subscribing to email newsletters or we've heard you can download GMail to Outlook / Thunderbird - the POP access and it will always download the full message body from GMail servers.

Be sure to view our table of contents at the top of our weekly news updates as it provides an overview and link to each article included in our weekly mailer.

Each issue contains not less than 52 articles and contains even more; we also have an extensive archive of just under 3500 articles dating back to 2006 for your perusal.

Hopefully Google will consider a modification to their scheme.

Here is a sample of what you will see if you use GMail. This article appeared last on out E-Updates last week. Twenty of our top 52 articles were missed!

IF you choose to switch to another email provider to receive your Weekly Updates from The Bahamas Weekly, simply unsubscribe from your GMail account when you get our next mailer and Subscribe with your NEW email account. To Subscribe - see our home page left column. Enter your NEW email account in the "Subscribe me" field and follow the instructions.

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