Young Bahamian Entrepreneur Innovates in Atlanta
By Tyrone Sawyer II
Oct 23, 2014 - 12:46:22 PM

Jemima (left) and Tyrone (right) celebrate the release of new music album.

ATLANTA, Georgia -  Little would one suspect to hear a 5-year old student at a charter school in Atlanta, Georgia screaming at the top of her voice: “Where is BahamaMan?!” But it is happening; and it is happening more and more at a growing number of kindergarten and elementary schools in the Atlanta area.

BahamaMan© is a story book character created by Tyrone Sawyer II, a standout Bahamian track & field athlete, and his wife Jemima. Under the aegis of their company, Aunt Jemima’s Playhouse LLC, the Sawyers have introduced a fun, innovative way to reach children between two and twelve years old, which is widely considered to be the most vital stage of their development. Aunt Jemima’s Playhouse is a cultural children’s program that teaches Geography, Foreign Languages and Music through the use of its unique characters and original songs.

The creative juices of Tyrone and Jemima Sawyer did not stop there. The Sawyers have put on ready display their ability to innovate. Through Aunt Jemima’s Playhouse, they have introduced a stellar line-up of dynamic characters. There is Senor Burro© the walking, talking donkey from Mexico who teaches students Spanish. There is Madame Belle©, the shy cow from France who teaches the children French. BahamaMan’s© calling is to teach the children social responsibility by engaging them in a fun-filled environment that makes them want to learn. Each character has its own personality and its own story to tell.

BahamaMan saves the day at The Aunt Jemima's Playhouse first show!

Aunt Jemima’s Playhouse has introduced a revolution in education in a changing global environment. This new approach has caused many schools in Atlanta and beyond to take notice by inviting Aunt Jemima’s Playhouse to share this unique brand of education with their students. Explained Tyrone Sawyer II, “We have seen our business grow very quickly since we started in 2012. Our goal is to ensure that Aunt Jemima Playhouse grows in a way that ensures that we always have fun with the children and continue to lead by providing new, easy-to-grasp teaching skills.”

Aunt Jemima’s Playhouse has already begun to spread its wings when earlier in the year, it staged its first show featuring its songs and characters, and starring its students. This show was staged to widespread acclaim. Stated Mr. Jay Bryan, owner of the Goddard School, Sandy Springs, Georgia: “I have found that Aunt Jemima’s Playhouse has provided a rich learning environment to my school; and I have seen positive changes in our kids that make it easy for me to support Tyrone and Jemima in this venture.”

On Saturday, October 25th, 2014, Aunt Jemima’s Playhouse LLC will stage its next exciting event entitled, “BahamaMan: Return of The Witches 3”. The venue of the show is the North Atlanta Church, 5676 Roberts Drive, Atlanta Georgia at 4:00 p.m. Aunt Jemima’s Playhouse invites the wider community to come to enjoy the show featuring the superhero, BahamaMan© and original songs with the assistance of 150 performing students from different schools across Atlanta.

Part proceeds from the BahamaMan© Show will be donated to the Cowart Family/Ashford Dunwoody YMCA to benefit youth sports. Aunt Jemima’s Playhouse is also proud to announce the release of its second album, “Children of One World”.

The young audience enjoying the show.

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