Investing in You - Glenn S. Ferguson
8 Ways To Jump Start Your 2011
By Glenn S. Ferguson
Jan 5, 2011 - 10:51:59 AM

Wow can you believe that 2010 is gone and that 2011 is here!

That is really how quickly life passes – and each day either brings you closer to or further away from your dreams and there is no turning back. And everyday you are presented with new opportunities; opportunities that will quickly pass you by if you do not seize them.

And while 2010 has been a challenging year for many financially, physically and spiritually  you can now breathe a sigh of relief as it is now ended and you are about to get “a new leaf" that’s how my grandmother (Belinda) used to describes a New Year, she calls it “turning over a new leaf.” 

The amazing thing is that you are about to get a new years but it will come in blocks of 24 hours and you will get to live them one second at a time!

A new beginning, a clean slate and you get to choose how you want to use them 24 hours  at a time. 

You can choose to change the way things have been, or you can choose to let them stay the same. Each second, minute, hour, day and month will give you the opportunity to make a difference in your present and future.


  1. What's keeping you from earning more money or getting that promotion you've been wanting?
  2. What will you do in the New Year to develop better relationships with those who are important to you?
  3. What will you do in the New Year to ensure a future with a healthy soul, spirit, body and finances?
  4. What's keeping you from living the life you have been dreaming about?

It all begins with a choice followed by you taking action.  As you start out on your  fresh start why don’t you decide what it would mean to you and your family to have enough time and money to stably do with your life as you choose?

Some one puts it this way "It is the small choices you and I make every day that determine our destiny."

It makes no different how your life may have been until now; it doesn't have to stay that way.  Your life can be the way you want it beginning NOW.  You have the power to make it different. 

So why don’t you make the decision to have the life you want and do it NOW!

I am sure that with the New Year, you may have started to conceive some bold “resolutions” to change the way you live.  But really do you have a plan to ensure that these resolutions make it to the end of January or better still become reality?

Even though traditional resolutions don’t usually work, you still look forward to making them, drawn in because everyone else is doing it or it maybe because there are really things in your life that you want to be different.

Well, since you don’t like the way thing are going and would like changes, why not commit to the changes you want and the action needed to make them happen.
Start by realizing that Resolution making isn't enough.  It will take work and without hard work you will continue adding to the list of failed resolution. 

The key to achieving what you really want is action and lack of action is what is keeping you from what you want!

Remember, what works, works, and what doesn't work, doesn't work; and working hard at things that don't work will never make them work!

Here are my 8 ways to jump start your 2011:

  1. Realize that you could have anything that you want despite your current circumstance.
  2. Get focused on doing one thing at a time. 
  3. Word your resolution carefully.  Instead of "I am going to save more money", try an easier route like, "I am going to save $2,000.00 in 2011."
  4. Share your resolution with supportive family and friends who will want to encourage you.
  5. WRITE IT DOWN.  You need to write your resolutions them down on paper or whatever goal setting tool you use because if you are like me you will forget it – and this is one of the major reasons why resolutions fail.
  6. Review your goals daily. Get in the habit of reviewing them first thing in the morning and last thing at night and you’ll be surprised at how effective it will be for keeping you focused.
  7. Make your resolutions specific and set dates by which you expect to achieve them.
  8. Get 21 Ways To Jump Start 2011by  simply registering or emailing me at

Finally, if you have setback, accept them for what they are setbacks, don't despair.  Remember, tomorrow is another “New Leaf!” 

So go out, turn over a new leaf and make this Year a very happy, healthy and wealthy year!

"The best thing about the future is that it only comes one day at a time."-Abraham Lincoln

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