Investing in You - Glenn S. Ferguson
A Lesson From President Obama You Should Learn Today About Your Retirement
By Glenn S. Ferguson
Dec 1, 2009 - 11:50:47 AM

Not only does the view change when you are on the inside looking out from when you are on the outside looking in but your perspective of things also change. No place is this more evident than with U.S. President Obama’s White House team.

His team was certainly able to win an election and I’m sure that their view of governing is completely different from what it was, now that they are on the inside. And the challenges of governing are now very much evidence, as they struggle to move forward with their legislative agenda.

I’m sure that when President Obama came to Washington his feelings about health care and his ability to get reform legislation passed are certainly a whole lot different than they are now after experiencing the challenges of even getting all of his own party’s congressional representatives to support his position.

Another area where a person’s perspective will look completely different than it was  when they were on the outside looking in is with retirement. And this is why retirement has killed more persons than hard work ever!

Unfortunately, when you think about retirement you are thinking of an event that is occurring in the distant future.  Therefore your mind tricks you into believing that it is an event that you have considerable time to plan – and so you put it off for a later time.

The lesson you should learn from President Obama is that there will be no better time than now no matter how great the challenge or opposition may be.

You must appreciate that planning for your retirement should not be left until you are retiring. If you make this mistake you will squander any opportunity you may have had for your golden years to be golden!

So here are three things you should know about retirement:

  1. Retirement is now.  Whether you believe it or not retirement starts now and the decisions you’re making today will be the ones that follows you into your retirement years. The choices you make  today will form the foundation for your experiences tomorrow.
  2. Retirement has nothing to do with age.  You may find this surprising but retirement has nothing to do with  your age.  My working definition of "retirement is that it’s simply a time when you’re able to do what you want to do when you want to do it without a fear of running out of health or money." And you will agree that, that is your feeling as well.  So don’t be lured into believing that the time has anything to do with your age.
  3. Retirement is not the end of life but a transition in life.   Words are powerful and when you think about the definition of retirement it usually has a negative connotation of uselessness or end of use, which makes it seem that retirement is at end. You will find that retirement is not the end of your life but it’s only a transition into a new life. In fact you can expect to spend one third of your lifetime in retirement!
Therefore if retirement is now, has nothing to do with your age and is not the end-of-life but a transition in life then you should make your retirement planning a priority no matter what the odds against you may be, because the question is not if you will be retiring but when will you retire!

Got a question about your financial or retirement planning any question at all go ahead and just ASK GLENN 

Copyright ©  2009 - Glenn S. Ferguson

Glenn Ferguson is a financial & retirement Speaker, Coach and Syndicated Writer, helping you to painlessly take control of your money to create wealth for you and your family. Email to:  Website:  Tel: 242-327-2453   Fax: 242-327-2456

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