Letters to The Editor
BNYC: Let’s not get distracted by politicizing this situation
By Derek W. Smith Jr, President, BNYC
Oct 6, 2015 - 3:54:44 PM

To my fellow Bahamians and all those who love and call The Bahamas home, the world watched as hurricane Joaquin inflicted deep wounds and terrible bruises on our islands. They endured the harsh winds and heavy rainfall while those of us that watched in horror as our family and friends suffered. Unfortunately, some are still waiting to hear from their loved ones. 

On Behalf of the executive board, the advisory board and member organizations of the Bahamas National Youth Council, we send our heartfelt sympathies to all those who have been impacted by the hurricane. We urge the nation to keep fellow countrymen in their prayers.

The National Youth Council is particularly grateful for the assistance corporate and civic Bahamas by offering such a timely manner of response which has greatly aided in the alleviation of pain and suffering brought on by the Hurricane Joaquin.

As the world watched this natural disaster wreak destruction on our country, let them now see the strength of the people of The Bahamas. Let them see how we banded together. Let them see how we helped our brothers and sisters in such a way that by our actions they will know we are a nation whose head still proudly lifts to the rising sun, its citizens marching together in love and unity.

The Council understands the sentiments of many citizens regarding the level of action before and after Hurricane Joaquin, but let’s not get distracted by politicizing this situation or playing the blame game. Those protective and responsive measures that were established to minimize loss and damage during these catastrophes, along with the persons with the responsibility of executing them should be reviewed in an attempt for improvement, but most importantly, support is needed for our brothers and sisters, especially the most vulnerable of our society, the children. 

Furthermore, all those who love and call The Bahamas home, please continue to give your time, treasures and talents. To the youth of this nation, let us work together and use our talents, no matter how small, to help those affected.

About The Bahamas National Youth Council:Started in 2004, The Bahamas National Youth Council (BNYC) is an organization that is aimed towards the proper representation of youth across the Commonwealth of the Bahamas. The BNYC is the depiction of all voluntary youth organization across the length and breadth of the country with the primary aim for the empowerment of young Bahamians to participate actively in the shaping and moulding of their society. The general mission of the BNYC is to nurture the promotion of unity, equity and solidarity of an island’s youth in search of their interests, needs and development.

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