Letters to The Editor
Jeffrey Lloyd: We Need a Fresh Start
By Jeffrey Lloyd
Jul 3, 2016 - 2:42:59 PM

Dear Editor,

Since the electorate’s rejection of Prime Minister Christie’s second referendum in two years, I have publicly stated that he should do the honourable thing and resign as Prime Minister of this country.  This nation, as a proud product of the Westminster System, is operated by a force of Conventions, which has been countries’ guiding principles for centuries. Any structure is only as good as the foundation upon which it rests. My friend and brother, the Hon. Fred Mitchell  acknowledged this much when he called for The Right Honourable Hubert Alexander Ingraham’s resignation after a rejected 2002 referendum.

At that time, Mr. Mitchell stated,
​ “A fellow can really play stupid when he wants to. That’s the continuous story of Hubert Ingraham. He speaks out of one side of his mouth about integrity and commitment to the rules, but he breaks each and every rule whenever it suits his purpose. And that is the story with why he won’t resign. He knows that the conventions of the Constitution demand that when he and his government have lost an important vote like the five questions on the referendum he has in fact had a vote of no confidence made in his Government. There is no choice but to resign.”  

My brothers and sisters, history is now repeating itself.  The Right Honourable Perry Gladstone Christie proposed two referenda under his current term in political office, which were soundly rejected by the electors. While, no doubt, there were many factors that figured into the electorate’s decision to vote against the proposals by the PM, one cannot successfully challenge that their disgust and distrust of and disappointment in the present Government and Mr. Christie’s leadership have certainly played a prominent feature in their response.

I supported the proposed Bills. I believe in the fundamental equality of both sexes, and was disappointed that the measures did not gain the approval of the majority of the electors. I publicly encouraged voters not to use the Referendum to “take out their frustration of the PLP” against their own best interests by voting against the Bills. Obviously, many did not heed my call.
​So, it was clear to me that the results of this Referendum spoke eloquently of our people’s total lack faith in this government and are disenchanted with the overused and underachieved promises issued by the Christie Administration.  As a result, Prime Minister Christie and his government no longer have a mandate to lead this country.

Following the British Prime Minister, David Cameron’s resignation, much public discourse has come about.  Prime Minister Cameron said that the country’s vote to leave the European Union indicated that there is a need “for fresh leadership.”   He said, “I will do everything I can as Prime Minister to steady the ship over the coming weeks and months but I do not think it would be right for me to try to be the captain that steers our country to its next destination.  This is not a decision I've taken lightly but I do believe it's in the national interest to have a period of stability and then the new leadership required.”  

Many have taken to social media to debate why the Bahamas should or should not use David Cameron’s resignation following a failed referendum, as a model for The Bahamas. But in the plainest sense, if these are the standards we hold ourselves to, how can we not, after two failed referenda.  It is certainly in the national interest of this country for Prime Minister Christie to step down and allow a leader with the moral authority and mandate of the people, to steer this foundering ship.  

But Mr. Christie is not alone in his liability to the Bahamian people. House Members of the Free National Movement, led by Dr. Hubert Minnis, Opposition Leader, also supported these proposals. They, too, should do the honourable thing and remove themselves as representatives of the people. Except for Mrs. Loretta Butler-Turner, they provided a lack lustre and un-enthusiastic encouragement to the voters during the referendum campaign to support the Bills they had endorsed in Parliament.

No wonder the ire of the Bahamian voter is not directed at Mr. Christie and his Government alone. For Bahamians everywhere recognize that the pathetic state of Bahamian affairs is not the fault of the PLP alone. The disastrous failings of this society have led many people to be fatigued of politics and politicians in whom they reposed their trust over the past five decades.

Thus, in my opinion, the vote in the referenda was not so much a rejection of the proposed Bills, but rather a statement by people that they are tired of their faith being manipulated, abused and oppressed by those who sought it.

They all must go.

We need a fresh start.

The electorate has spoken, not once, but twice, with a clear message that they want radical, transformational change in this ‘sweet and blessed country,
 the home of God’s elect’.

Like the beleaguered and lame-duck British PM, Mr. David Cameron, said recently about Opposition Leader, Jeremy Corbyn: "It might be in my party’s interest for him to sit there – he’s not in the national interest.” 

I repeat the same here about our current political corps.
​ This nation is starving for a change.  We have a country where no one pays a price for anything:  ineptitude, failure, dishonesty, and the abject dereliction of duty.  For too long people have come to believe that there is no consequence for the wasteful and disastrously unwise or incompetent decisions and behaviour made by anyone.

​In my humble opinion, the inadequate, vision-less and indecisive leadership of this Great Country by Prime Minister Perry Gladstone Christie, and select members of FNM’s Parliamentary Caucus, led by Dr. Hubert Minnis, cannot be a part of that change, lest we citizens watch as this country plunge further down an undesirable path.

Jeffrey Lloyd

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