Letters to The Editor
Kirkland H. Bodie: Letter To The Minister Of Youth, Sports and Other Countries’ Culture
By Kirkland H. Bodie (Submitted by Diane Phillips & Co.)
Jun 23, 2014 - 3:49:08 PM

Mr. Minister,

Kirkland Bodie is not on board with your Carnival idea. It seems like I must reiterate my position again as I have heard rumors that I now agree with this asinine plan of a carnival. No sir, I am against this carnival and I will never be for it, as long as you are using the Bahamian taxpayers’ monies to fund it. Our monies should be used for our things, for Bahamian cultural events. A few elitists got together and decided to waste the Bahamian people’s money anyway they choose, and they throw around figures hoping that we are broke enough to bow down to them and to further deify them because they have the keys to the treasury.

Mr. Minister I never agreed in anyway with y’all carnival idea. Neither you nor your minions have come up with an intelligent reason why we should proceed with this hedonistic festival with Bahamian taxpayers’ money, yet we have enough hell on our hands in this country and you want to add an ambiguous festival to further corrupt and confuse our society. I see that as being extremely reckless sir. Countless others have been asking you and your committee to just change the name to Bahamas Junkanoo Carnival or something more patriotic to us as a country, but no. The elites have no love for what is truly ours, sir “real talk”. This carnival idea will not make it pass the next general election because any party vying to be our next government will have to campaign against this in my view, or I will personally campaign against them.  

The reports on the streets is that you and your committee have already brought in a Trinidadian consultant to teach the art of making carnival costumes, again on the Bahamian taxpayers’ dime. No respect for us or your post sir. The word coming out of your workshop on my objection to this carnival idea is that the people who will attend this naked parade have no clue on who K.B. is. Well sir, I don’t want that type of audience sir. My audience has more class than skipping through the streets rubbing up on each other, drinking rum and cavorting around as if in a Roman or Greek orgy exhibition sir. My true fans that know and have supported my career will vote you out of power sir. They will remove a Minister and MP who cares not for his nation’s culture but someone else’s. They are my people sir, the Bahamian people, who throughout the years, have purchased my body of work; so watch out for them when they are quiet, that’s when you should worry.

  Mr. Minister why are you wasting millions of dollars on another country’s culture and not supporting your own? Sir you have terrible advisors around you, and they will cost you in the long run. I want our Junkanoo Parades to succeed. I want our Rake-N-Scrape Festivals to succeed. I also want our Goombay Summer Festivals to succeed, and with all my heart and soul, I want this carnival to fail in The Bahamas. I don’t care if it makes billions. Satan usually comes adorned in glitz to fool the public. This carnival is not ours and it will corrupt our nation. It is a satanic festival and it should stay in hell where it belongs. I would ask the church to keep a close eye on this carnival thing and watch as the government brings in low morals and a low vibration festival to further corrupt our nation.


1. Sir who will keep track of how the taxpayers’ monies will be disbursed out and to whom?

2. How much of the taxpayers’ monies have been spent already?

3.What is the cost for the Trinidadian consultant and what are his expenses?

4. Were recording artists sent to New Orleans? If that is so, would that not be considered an unfair advantage to the other participants in the song competition? If one of those recording artists that took the New Orleans trip won, would the competition not look fixed?

5. If this farce of a carnival does not make back the people’s monies, or the 30 million projected, who will go to jail?

6.  Why don’t you give my Rake-N-Scrape committee ten million dollars to organize an official Rake-N-Scrape Festival starting in New Providence next year and give us the same parameters for success like your carnival? Fair is fair right?

      6 b. Why don’t you do the same for the Junkanoo committee? Ten million dollars and let  the committee enhance their parade into an international success.

Please answer these simple questions and fulfill these simple wishes as well as your mandate to the Bahamian people please, and I swear, I would not bother y’all carnival thing again. Or better yet, put the people’s money back into the treasury and ask y’all elite friends to put up the monies for y’all carnival.

Kirkland H. Bodie
Bahamian Culture

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