Letters to The Editor
"Prime Minister Christie's assurances ring hollow"
By Rick Lowe
Nov 6, 2016 - 11:24:00 AM

Dear Editor,

Foreign Direct Investment is one of the many tools for economic growth, but Mr. Christie’s assurances that he will “protect Andros” agriculture and fisheries from Chinese Government exploitation rings hollow.


In fact this proposal harkens back to former FNM Agriculture Minister Tennyson Wells’ secret proposal for long line fishing that was met with equal opprobrium.

Since these “investment” ideas are pieced together in secrecy the Government is obviously not confident that they can include Bahamians in their proposed policies in their infancy for fear of recrimination. If they are not satisfied they can inform citizens of these ideas as they are being developed, it should resonate with them that something is amiss. Instead they plough on.

The arguments of over-fishing by the Chinese are logical, and the fact that they propose to give so much Crown Land to the Chinese Government lacks credulity.

However, a friend pointed out another aspect that deserves consideration. The Chinese water supply is reportedly diminishing as a result of drought and pollution, so they need potable water. Since Andros is the water supply for The Bahamas, why on earth would this government even consider this proposal on those grounds alone?

While Andros could not begin to supply all of China's water, over-syphoning could prove deleterious for The Bahamas.

The Bahamas ship of state is overwhelmed and sinking.

Yours in liberty,

Rick Lowe

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