Letters to The Editor
Pamela Burnside: Say What 2?
By Pam Burnside: Say What? By Pamela Burnside
Oct 1, 2016 - 9:20:32 PM

Dear Editor,

Here we are, recently downgraded, teetering precariously at the cusp, faced with the very real danger of falling off the financial cliff into financial ruin whilst we wait in line for another financial evaluation in a few months. Enter the pompous carnival chairman, who, after throwing away tens of millions of our dollars from the public purse over the past two years for another disgraceful and useless weekend party, blithely and blatantly fixes his mouth to declare “I’ve said from the first day I took on this position that this is not a profit exercise, it has never been and it never will be.”

How incredibly stupid and financially irresponsible!

To all of you who were out there all night drinking and jumping up and down, and on the street wining up, how much of that “multiplier effect” and “economic impact of S70 million” have you been able to put in your pocket and take to the bank?

So show us the real money figures, chairman, not insult our intelligence with your ‘creative accounting’ padded in a glossy document with colourful charts that toss dollar signs helter skelter without substance!

Shame on us if we swallow this flam hook, line and sinker, and allow them to waste our precious money again for a third time whilst the future of our country hangs in the balance; whilst our infrastructure and national institutions are either non-existent, sadly lacking, or are literally falling down; whilst our civic and cultural organizations are having to beg for money to keep their doors open; whilst our neighbourhoods and communities die; whilst our children are fettered with a deficient educational system; whilst foreigners snatch away our valuable resources and heritage which are handed to them on a silver platter!

Meanwhile, you, yes you, are paying for the BNFC to operate and they, along with the many “all for me, baby, friends, family and lovers” are laughing all the way to the bank as they continue to spend our money like there is no tomorrow by throwing our money down the endless blue hole of debt without a care for the future.

It is just sickening – all of it!

Yours sincerely,

Pam Burnside

Read: Pam Burnside: Say What?

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