Letters to The Editor
Shelly Carroll: Nottage’s failure a burden to us all!
By Shelly Carroll
Feb 5, 2016 - 6:31:57 AM

I stood by in absolute horror as Minister for National Security Bernard J. Nottage spoke about borrowing three hundred thousand dollars plus for the creation of a parole system for The Bahamas. Everybody with half a mind that cares about The Bahamas is thinking about ways to keep criminals in jail, but Minister Nottage is borrowing money that we clearly don’t have, money that would enable him to create a plan to let criminals out of jail.

The thought of borrowing money to find ways to let criminals out of jail at a time like this is sickening, isn’t it? Don’t think Mr. Nottage or his prime minister, Perry G. Christie, feel as anything is wrong with that at a time like this. They’re never wrong or inappropriate, you see! Never mind that we have persons on bail for serious crimes, some of them more than three charges for murder, men that need to be in jail right now as this article is being penned. Never mind that we need a plan and an architectural and engineering design for a new prison system. Perish the thought that we need a better court-case management system. No! We have to put all of those frivolous, meaningless and bothersome items to the side to allow Mr. Nottage and the Progressive Liberal Party to allow criminals out of jail because they feel like it now.

What’s also disturbing is that Mr. Nottage wants to work feverishly at letting criminals out of jail right next to an election year. Our only saving grace as a people at this time from his elaborate plan and grand design would be based on the historic premise that Mr. Nottag and his progressive liberal party has failed at virtually every single thing they sought to do, except for failing at raising taxes our for their nutty schemes.

After my initial shock and horror subsided however, I remembered that this is the same Bernard J. Nottage that employed goons to terrorize former Minister of National Security, Tommy Turnquest, during the latter’s last few walkabouts in the inner city prior to the very last general election. A famous online meme has been circulating with Mr. Nottage right in the face of a shell-shocked Tommy Turnquest. Not that Mr. Turnquest didn’t deserve it at the time, which he so richly did. But it is what it is! This is the same Bernard J. Nottage that I and many folks witnessed, with our very own eyes, his glorious troop of street-goons at the height of the election rallies.

In case you weren’t there, front and centre, soaking in the rally festivities like I was, I will tell you that on at least one occasion Mr. Nottage showed us his street credentials by leading his goon-squad through the sea of rally goers at Clifford Park. I lost count of how many of Mr. Nottage’s “boys” were in that march on that night, but there were quite a few. Looking back at it now, I have to say that no wonder why there were mini-riots and altercations after their rallies. I guess this is what the additional $1.2 million dollars from the Chinese government for diverse military equipment, tear gas, riot gear, grenade launchers, mini-tanks and an assortment of other military

grade equipment. (Before you say it, let’s hope and pray that the equipment actually makes it to the armed services. At least!)

In any case, I’m only blatantly painting a picture of the mentality of the Minister of National Security. A Minister of National Security that now wants to let criminals out of jail, at any cost. With military grade equipment to hit the streets with them too. Right in time for elections!

If this is the best Mr. Nottage can come up with after his trip to the USA to visit with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, then I sincerely now want to hope that he spent most of his time doing what we felt he went to do in the first place: That is, share information on international drug traffickers and give evidence to the FBI to continue their investigation. That’s if giving evidence and signing a sworn affidavit was a part of his trip, because no one knows for sure what all he went to do on behalf of our country and on our dime. Not only are he and his party not wrong, ever, they also aren’t urgently compelled to share with us any information on how they are spending our tax dollars. All for our benefit, of course.

Needless to say, with an all-time record high murder count, a Minister of National Security that was gravely ill a year and a half ago, a police force that seems to be firing more police officers than it hires and a Junior Minister that has, quite thankfully, given up on blurting errant remarks to the press, I’d think calling this PLP administration’s failure at securing the Bahamian people epic at its most fundamental core.

But, make no mistake, they aren’t wrong, it’s not their fault, neither is it their concern and neither should any of us worry when we see dead, murdered bodies. We shouldn’t even have the slightest sense of insecurity about going into your own backyard in New Providence because crime affects those other people and never, ever will it come to your door. We believe!

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