Letters to The Editor
Donald M McCartney: "The words of The Bahamas' national anthem will continue to be meaningless to countless numbers of Bahamians because..."
By Dr Donald M McCartney
Feb 16, 2014 - 11:45:45 PM

The reality is that the words of The Bahamas' national anthem will continue to be meaningless to countless numbers of Bahamians because successive leaders in The Bahamas have not and appear to not have the formula to simply empower Bahamians to be who they were meant to be.

Parties come to governance with ONE PLAN and ONLY ONE govern by way of PATRONAGE for their supporters, cronies, and favourites. While they and their political sycophants eat cake the masses are made to either starve or accept the crumbs that fall from their tables.

The cake and crumbs to which I refer are in the largess of the "New Elite" or the "New Bay Street Boys" and for the masses the crumbs is evidenced by the lack of opportunity and the promise of social and economic justice.

I speak to the fact that too many Bahamians are still using pit latrines and toting water from the public faucet (pump)...Too many Bahamian children are going to bed hungry...Too many Bahamians are foraging in garbage dumpsters for their next meal...Too many Bahamians are homeless and the number of homeless Bahamians are increasing daily...And I can go on ad wonder the average Bahamian cannot raise their heads to the rising sun...Too many Bahamians are depending on the Department of Social Service for handouts...Too many Bahamians are begging on street corners...

I weep, and I pray daily for my beloved HOMELAND that has been taken over by a band "nouveau pirates" who do not give a damn. The leadership of the country is more concerned about the return of the former Prime Minister than they are about lifting up the heads of the marginalized and polarized among us!

Their only concern is to ensure that their Careful Plan of divide and conquer continues to flourish..."The tragedy is not that things are broken. The tragedy is that things are not mended again."~Alan Payton, Cry, The Beloved Country

Unless and until things are mended, Bahamians who are living in substandard housing, using pit latrines, toting water from the public faucet, homeless, and hungry cannot lift up their heads to the rising sun!

It is not too late to begin the renewal of the Honourable Arthur Dion Hanna's promise to "wipe the tears from every eye." Neither is it too late to deliver on the words of Sir Lynden Pindling, who was commenting, after America had the success of placing men on the moon, opined that it was the mission of his government to place Bahamians on their "feet"...

To begin the arduous process of wiping the tears from every eye and placing Bahamians on their feet, there is a need for honest, committed, concerned, compassionate leadership whose roots and foundation is in HIM who was the true example of being a Servant Leader!

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