Comedian Sawyer Boy teams up with Campaign for the Bahamas for awareness video
By The Campaign for the Bahamas
Apr 6, 2017 - 11:48:45 PM


The Campaign For the Bahamas teams up with Comedian Sawyer Boy for awareness video

NASSAU, Bahamas - To The Campaign for the Bahamas, the engagement and education vehicle of The Organisation for Responsible Governance, “It’s No Joke” that the nation is at a critical point and its up to everyday Bahamians to create a brighter future. The Campaign For The Bahamas has recently teamed up with iconic Bahamian comedian Timico ‘Sawyer Boy’ Sawyer to release a comedic video, launching the “Its No Joke” awareness campaign.

The video was launched online and at The April Fool’s Its No Joke Comedy Event, which featured top local and international comedians including headliner Sawyer Boy. Already garnering over 20,000 views and over 300 shares across social media, the video uses classic SawyerBoy style humour to highlight key issues the country is facing and calls Bahamians to “Get Informed and Get Involved,” Campaign For The Bahamas’ motto.

The Campaign notes that the Bahamas is in a dire place. An estimated seven in ten Bahamian high school graduates under educated and ill-equipped for the next step in life. Twenty percent of children under 14 are living in poverty. The nation has suffered three consecutive credit downgrades and trust in government and public institutions is at an all time low. The Its No Joke campaign aims to tell Bahamians “Don’t Let the Joke Be on You.”

“Its No Joke uses humour to illustrate the absurdity of some of our national situations when we think of them in the personal context,” said Matt Aubry, Executive Director of ORG. “We wouldn’t let a plumber, electrician or mechanic do a job without checking to see if they do it right. But we allow the government to do just that. We would never attempt to fix our car without tools, but we send 7 in 10 of our kids into the workplace without the most important tool, a strong education. The campaign intends to roll out a series of videos and media illustrating the need for citizens and residents to not let the joke be on them, by participating and speaking up.”

With the election to be called in little more than a week, the need to get informed and get involved is even more urgent according to the Campaign for The Bahamas. In the lead up to the video launch, The Campaign teamed up with Rock The Vote 242, Bahamas Revisited, Its Our Turn, The Millenial Voice, and The Rotaract Club of Southeast Nassau to encourage citizens, especially young voters, to get registered through voter drives, promotions and prize giveaways.

“Participation is the foundation of a functioning democracy and voting is where it all starts. When you cast your vote you raise your voice about which issues matter and how the nation will be run for the next 5 years,” said Aubry. “Young voters are especially important, they are the ones who will inherent the legacy of the choices we make today, so they must have a seat at the table when those decisions are made. We encourage everyone who has not done so already to register before the April 10th deadline.”

The video can be found at The Campaign For the Bahamas website:

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