Day of prayer called for Majority Rule on January 10th
By Pastor Jeremiah Duncombe President, Bahamas Global Impact Prayer and Fasting Network
Dec 30, 2016 - 3:45:31 AM

(Statement) The Bahamas Global Impact Prayer and Fasting Network and affiliate organizations have launched a campaign to have January 10 holiday observed as a National Day of Prayer and Thanksgiving for the Commonwealth of The Bahamas. We have initiated this campaign as a follow up to our written request to the Government of The Bahamas, namely the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister and Cabinet Ministers to commission a committee, at the earliest possible time, with membership to include Heads of churches and the Bahamas Christian Council President to recommend to the Government an appropriate date to institute as an Annual National Day of Prayer and Thanksgiving for the Nation.

January 10 is a significant date in Bahamian history when we celebrate Majority Rule. We believe it is fitting therefore that this date should be designated by the Government to also be a day when the people of The Bahamas, citizens and non-citizens, come together in peace, goodwill, prayer, and thanksgiving at designated venues throughout the Nation in Mass Assembly Prayer Rallies, in homes and other places of Christian worship to pray and ask God’s blessings for our beloved country, The Bahamas.

We are convinced that when Christians come together in agreement in unity with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and with each other seeking the face of God interceding in prevailing prayer, that there is no force in the world that can withstand such power and love, which will effect repentance, reformation of lives, and healing of the nations.

Prayer has always been a foundation of our nation where with one voice and mind our founding forefathers united in prayer for God’s guidance, protection and strength for our newly created independent nation because they believed that one way to ensure protection for our nation’s sovereignty was through prayer. As the Bahamas is facing a crisis period of increasing crime and many other challenging issues of national concern, and more particularly, the recent hurricane devastations of the Southern Islands of The Bahamas with God's providence in the preservation of lives, we believe there is an urgent need to establish this Annual National Day of Prayer and Thanksgiving for the Nation, commencing January 10, 2017.

United ongoing, continuous prayer forthe nation will make a difference. None of our efforts of evangelism or government positive interventions will achieve maximum success if we fail to fast and pray. There is a God in Heaven who hears and answers prayers and we have His promise given to us in 2 Chronicles 7:14, that,

"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and heal their land”

We invite Christians throughout The Bahamas to join us in support of the implementation of this overdue commencement activity of having an Annual National Day of Prayer and Thanksgiving for the healing and God’s blessing of our country which we hold so dear.

In this connection a special ecumenical Prayer Breakfast will be held at the Church Of God, Joe Farrington Road Auditorium, on Tuesday January 10, 2017, beginning at 8:00 a.m. The event is open to every one, but a small donation of at least ten ($10:00) dollars or more will be appreciated to assist with helping to defray expenses related to the event. Donations of breakfast food items, may also be given, by contacting the chair person, Pastor Jacquelyn Dean, at 361-3914 or 422-1266.

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