URCA: Exhaustion of FM Radio Broadcast Spectrum Frequencies
Jul 29, 2014 - 6:16:24 PM

The Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (“URCA”) issues this notificationin accordance with section 8(1)(e)of the Communications Act, 2009 (“Comms Act”).

URCA hereby notifies the public that frequencies in the spectrum band 88 MHz to 108 MHz allocated under the National Spectrum Plan for FM Radio Broadcasting have been fully assigned for use on New Providence and therefore are currently exhausted and unavailable for any further assignment on the said island.

Spectrum frequencies for FM Radio Broadcasting for use on all other islands of The Bahamas have not been exhausted and are available for assignment.

URCA advises that under Part V of the Comms Act, it has a duty to ensure that radio spectrum is, inter alia, allocated, managed and used in a manner that is open, objective and non-discriminatory. Where there is insufficient spectrum band to meet industry demand and URCA is required to limit the number of licences that may be issued in that band, URCA is required under section 26(5) of the Comms Act to adopt a competitive process to award spectrum in order to ensure fair and efficient spectrum allocation. Competitive processes may involve auctions, “beauty contests” or a combination of both. URCA considers competitive processes can help to ensure that spectrum is awarded to the party or parties which are most qualified or capable of efficient use, and which will be most likely to benefit consumers and the electronic communications sector in The Bahamas.

Should FM radio spectrum band frequencies become available for allocation in New Providence, URCA will commence a competitive process for the allocation of those spectrum frequencies and will duly notify the public of the details of that process.

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