"Overcoming Pain" Foods that help with Pain and Inflammation
Oct 23, 2015 - 2:43:40 AM


Are you constantly suffering from pain and inflammation? More than a third of the US population suffers from chronic pain effects, and while taking medication can reduce pain temporarily, it can also become addictive and produce harmful side effects. Let today be the day that you transition to a more natural pain-relieving solution by consuming anti-inflammatory foods!

Sage is an anti-inflammatory herd that has been shown in research to boost memory. It has also been used in poultry dishes for centuries and contains flavonoids that help reduce swelling.

If you are suffering primarily from joint pain, make a stop at your local supermarket and purchase some yummy Salmon. It is filled with Omega-3s and is an excellent source of protein and antioxidants. The fatty acid from this fish also helps to lubricate joints in the body…EAT UP!

Cayenne is known to act as an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant as well. Capsaicin, the oily compound in cayenne and its peppery cousins, is the active ingredient present in most over-the-counter creams, ointments, and patches for arthritis and muscle pain.

One of the most powerful healing spices is Cinnamon. Just like many other spices, cinnamon has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, shown to help reduce heartburn and other chronic pain conditions.

This last one is for the coffee lovers. Coffee isn’t just a pick-me-up, but also a great form of medicine. One cup of black coffee can provide great relief from headaches and provide more antioxidants than a serving of berries. Research has also shown that drinking coffee may reduce the risk of some cancers.

Looking for another suggestion that is completely out of the ordinary? Well, SPT has one for you!


Shark Cartilage

It’s a powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic; In addition to stimulating the immune system, it’s also a potent tumor inhibitor. This is why its use is highly suggested for all kinds of diets because eating it does not present any kind of adverse reaction.

Suggested Use: 1 in the morning - 1 in the afternoon - 1 at night

Founded in 1990 Salud Para Todos/SPTWellness is a Health and Wellness Company that focuses on preventative and ameliorating health care through the sale of its proprietary natural supplements. For more than 25 years, Salud Para Todos/SPTWellness  has been locally active within community of New York, creating long lasting relationships with its consumers. Salud Para Todos is a privately held company and is headquartered in New York City.  SaludParaTodos aka SPT Wellness is a health and wellness company focused on preventative and all natural supplements. 


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