New Providence
Citizen Journalism to feature at Press Club meeting
By Bahamas Press Club
Apr 28, 2016 - 10:35:54 PM


Nassau, New Providence -- The featured speaker at The Bahamas Press Club 2014’s regular monthly meeting on May 3 at the British Colonial Hilton will be Citizen Journalism specialist, John “Ish” Ishmael.

Resident in Canada, ISH has employed Citizen Journalismfrom the time the Internet started. He said it is a technique that ameliorates the insidious effect of Big Media's Perception Management. Before that, ISH was a print journalist in his native Guyana. He also treats his futurism books sold on Amazon.Com as part of Citizen Journalism, and his books creates various possible near futures based on current events and trends.

But journalism to ISH includes video journalism on YouTube and other social media platforms, where today, he has about 80 videos that are almost mini movies.

So, what is journalism today? Journalists are redefining their jobs, their relationships to employers and their ultimate readers. John “Ish” Ishmael has used disintermediation to reinvent himself and his view of journalism by removing the "media boss" who weighs the journalist's article against the corporate objectives and those of even the advertisers and going directly to the reader by all methods including blogs, .wav audio files, video, and POD books. ISH also uses email blasts to his audiences and messaging via social media including FB, Twitter.

ISH's journalism has been promoting socialactivism. For example, one of his original themes is that "Poverty is a Political Decision." Thus, poverty can be virtually eliminated - not reduced - by political decisions and changes.

John said that Citizen Journalism allows him to speak to world and local citizens who follow him, physically or on the Internet. He does so without the terror of corporate media. This is why so many of the younger people in the West have abandoned print newspapers and have turned tocitizen media and blogging.John does not allow advertising to affect what he writes or videos. Yet, he allows the platforms to post mini ads, which the viewer can skip at will.

Freedom from bypassing the corporate gatekeepers of books or print or eMedia has allowed his journalism to be crystal clear. For example, in the late 1980's John "Ish" Ishmael wrote what was then heresy - that the only honest political leader in Africa was Robert Mugabe. ISH declared that Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe was the only African leader who regained the land that was stolen fromthe Black Africans of that country. ISH also later was the first person who ever pointed out that Nelson Mandela, a heroic figure, did not regain even a cm of the land that was stolen from South Africans. Yes, Mandela was a "hero" to the land thieves.

In Guyana, at the Guiana Graphic, circa 1960, John "Ish" Ishmael was a first at reporting the abuses of that country's Amerindian citizens. He was supported by a brave Black editor, Alfred Thorne, despite the control of that paper by the British plantation owners. At his first Canadian job as the materials manager for a new hospital, he started a staff newspaper that advocated for... staff.

That, LOL, did not end happily.

The featured speaker at The Bahamas Press Club 2014’s regular monthly meeting on May 3 at the British Colonial Hilton will be Citizen Journalism specialist, John “Ish” Ishmael.

Resident in Canada, ISH has employed Citizen Journalismfrom the time the Internet started. He said it is a technique that ameliorates the insidious effect of Big Media's Perception Management. Before that, ISH was a print journalist in his native Guyana. He also treats his futurism books sold on Amazon.Com as part of Citizen Journalism, and his books creates various possible near futures based on current events and trends.

But journalism to ISH includes video journalism on YouTube and other social media platforms, where today, he has about 80 videos that are almost mini movies.

So, what is journalism today? Journalists are redefining their jobs, their relationships to employers and their ultimate readers. John “Ish” Ishmael has used disintermediation to reinvent himself and his view of journalism by removing the "media boss" who weighs the journalist's article against the corporate objectives and those of even the advertisers and going directly to the reader by all methods including blogs, .wav audio files, video, and POD books. ISH also uses email blasts to his audiences and messaging via social media including FB, Twitter.

ISH's journalism has been promoting socialactivism. For example, one of his original themes is that "Poverty is a Political Decision." Thus, poverty can be virtually eliminated - not reduced - by political decisions and changes.

John said that Citizen Journalism allows him to speak to world and local citizens who follow him, physically or on the Internet. He does so without the terror of corporate media. This is why so many of the younger people in the West have abandoned print newspapers and have turned tocitizen media and blogging.John does not allow advertising to affect what he writes or videos. Yet, he allows the platforms to post mini ads, which the viewer can skip at will.

Freedom from bypassing the corporate gatekeepers of books or print or eMedia has allowed his journalism to be crystal clear. For example, in the late 1980's John "Ish" Ishmael wrote what was then heresy - that the only honest political leader in Africa was Robert Mugabe. ISH declared that Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe was the only African leader who regained the land that was stolen fromthe Black Africans of that country. ISH also later was the first person who ever pointed out that Nelson Mandela, a heroic figure, did not regain even a cm of the land that was stolen from South Africans. Yes, Mandela was a "hero" to the land thieves.

In Guyana, at the Guiana Graphic, circa 1960, John "Ish" Ishmael was a first at reporting the abuses of that country's Amerindian citizens. He was supported by a brave Black editor, Alfred Thorne, despite the control of that paper by the British plantation owners. At his first Canadian job as the materials manager for a new hospital, he started a staff newspaper that advocated for... staff.

That, LOL, did not end happily.

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