New Providence
Proposed Developer urges Bahamians to launch their Dream Businesses
By Tosheena Blair, Precision Media
Dec 12, 2018 - 11:41:51 AM

Proposed developer and entrepreneur Valentino Munroe encouraged Bahamians to make the leap from employees to entrepreneurs at the Hubert Edwards Global Success Summit 2018.

Nassau, Bahamas - There comes a point when a would-be entrepreneur must create his or her own opportunity and not wait for one, according to Valentino Munroe who has built two businesses, the computer store Onit Systems and the Jumbey Café restaurant.

“What have you been conditioned to believe you are incapable of doing? The biggest obstacle we all have to face is ourselves. Whatever you’re hearing in your mind, whatever that voice is saying that is not your voice, that is the voice from your environment that has placed their limitations on you,” said Munroe, a guest speaker at the Hubert Edwards Global Success Summit 2018.

The one-day conference was held earlier this month under the theme, “World Class Success Through Bold Leadership."

“More than money, more than education, success and leadership in business requires a free mind. I’ve learnt that I had to literally lose my mind in order to begin my business. My old mind told me my dreams were limited to the size of my bank account. My new mind tells me that my dreams are unlimited,” said Munroe who heads the Mangrove Development Group, a consortium of bonefish lodge owners in Andros who presented a development proposal to the government with hopes to purchase and re-develop the island’s Light House Yacht Club and Marina.

The project entails demolition of existing structures, the construction of a boutique, 15-room hotel with 19 stand-alone bungalows and the restoration of the lighthouse, nearby cannons and existing marina in Fresh Creek, Andros.

“This project hasn’t been approved as yet and so while we’ve gotten great support from those in the Investment Authority and the Office Of The Prime Minister, we’re still trying to get the confidence of our political directorate to believe that not only do Bahamians deserve opportunities in tourism,  but we also have a right to ownership in our number one industry,” said Munroe speaking from the sidelines of the event.

“I’m not worried about the outcome of this proposed development because I’ve already won. Here I am an island boy proposing to develop a $20 million dream in my home town. My old mind would have told me that this is not possible, my new mind tells me differently.”

It’s hard to determine the right time to launch a new business, and the reality is no time is ever going to be perfect. That is why becoming a business owner takes courage Munroe told the gathering.

“The greatest display of courage is to face your fears. If you fall, simply get back up. If you fall six times you get up seven times because success and leadership in business only happen for those that are no longer afraid,” he said.

Making the leap from employee to entrepreneur, however, remains a terrifying concept for many even as they dream about quitting their day job.

For those straddling the fence unable to decide Munroe offered a piece of advice: “If you don’t move past that fear, you’re always reluctant, you’re always timid, you are never approaching the dilemma with the confidence that is required. More than fear, more than failure, the heaviest load to carry is regret.”

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