Bahamian launches New Business Seconds Count First Aid, CPR AED Training Co.
By Joann Hilton
Feb 19, 2020 - 9:53:32 AM


Nassau, Bahamas - On February 8, 2020, Bahamian entrepreneur Joann Hilton, launched Seconds Count, an Emergency (First Aid, CPR AED) Training Company. Seconds Count have many digital components, providing clients with Electronic CPR training equipment, the ease of doing business through online ordering, booking and processing systems.

With its mission to Save Lives, Seconds Count provides individuals and teams with comprehensive and accredited First Aid, CPR, and AED certification courses, and offers commercial and public access automated external defibrillators; available through the website. 

Elated that her business idea is now a reality, Joann Hilton, CEO, spoke to the importance of remaining committed to achieving your vision despite challenges. “I am grateful to God. As a young black female, today I celebrate the achievement of fully walking into my potential as an entrepreneur and empowering others to become ‘Lifesavers’’.


Reflecting on the recent deaths of Hurricane Dorian victims, Hilton added, “Knowing what to do in a timely manner is priceless when unexpected tragedy strikes. She indicated that Seconds Count curriculums are cost effective, easy to understand and convenient, since they theoretically and practically teach employees how to perform First Aid and CPR procedures. 

She educated the audience on the necessary components of a quality certification program. “The first thing you should look for when seeking a quality First Aid CPR AED certification program is comprehensive course modules that cover the vital information in enough detail to help you feel confident when presented with an emergency,” said Hilton. 
Courses offered by Seconds Count are customized through partner, The American Heart Association and our local Training Centre affiliate, Doctors Hospital for students, school administrators, business owners, their teams, the public and private sectors, parents and guardians.


They also promote the importance of credibility, proven experience and skills to ensure that the best training partners are involved. The programs offered cover a full spectrum of lifesaving skills to help first responders recognize and respond to cardiac arrest and manage injuries until professional helps arrives.

“Our First Aid and CPR AED certification course and training program will be able to prepare you for a wide range of different situations. Six in ten bystanders won’t give a cardiac arrest victim First Aid or CPR. Thousands of lives a year could be saved if more people knew how to perform life saving First Aid and CPR,” concluded Hilton.

Seconds Count offers various Occupational Health and Safety courses for international certification and provide numerous Induction courses ensuring all persons performing specifically construction work require proof of having completed a general Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) training for the industry.

Persons may register, schedule appointments and make online payments on the e-commerce website 

Emergency resource guides and facts sheets are also available for the general public.


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