Former Chamber of Commerce Exec offers free classes to teach others to start online business during COVID-19 pandemic
By Arthia Nixon
Mar 30, 2020 - 2:00:25 PM

Nationwide… A former Chamber of Commerce executive and internationally-known business trainer is encouraging people to use their time at home during the COVID-19 pandemic to create their own businesses, especially virtually.

Keshelle Davis has been sharing her business development expertise in London, Wales, the USA, Canada, Australia, and her native Bahamas for nearly two decades and says in order to overcome the changes in the economy, online businesses and companies that fulfill the needs of the public are the way to go. She is offering free classes to help people establish such businesses amid a global crisis.

“The purpose of business is to solve problems and/or fill a need,” she said. “Today, there are so many problems that need to be solved or needs to be filled, now is a perfect time to start. While many people look at the negatives of this crisis, people forget that iconic companies like Uber, Airbnb, WhatsApp, and others are founded during recessionary times.”

Davis advises people to use the time to upskilling and re-skilling themselves personally and professionally.

“Search for problems, explore opportunities and look for silver linings,” she said. “Also, if you already own a business, take note of the people who are showing up at this time with their leadership and add value to team projects. Also, create a new or revised future vision for yourself and put a plan of action together for when the world rebounds.”

Davis noted that there are countless ways to set up an online business and have been hosting free workshops on how to do just that. 

“Some are starting a blog, a podcast, or designing a digital product from what they know,” she said. “Some are creating webinars, courses, writing ebooks or doing affiliate marketing for example. It does not take as long as some people think, depending on the option they select. However, once a decision is made, they must immediately take the first step. From my personal experience, a person can get something going within a matter of days if they are hungry and willing to do the work and have a mentor to walk them through it.”

In times such as these, Davis said that it doesn’t matter what skill level you are at, there is an opportunity you can be taken advantage of. “Just go for it and there is no time like the present to start.”

Davis is the founder and CEO of The Training Authority a trusted learning and development partner for companies who want to improve the performance of their teams. Previously, she led Creative Wealth Bahamas, a non-profit organization that provides financial literacy and wealth creation education for youth, young adults, women, and families. She is formally the Executive Director of the Bahamas Chamber Institute – the education arm of the Bahamas Chamber of Commerce and converted it to one of the fastest-growing training organizations.

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