Organization of American States (OAS)
OAS Permanent Council Convenes High-level Meetings on Hemispheric Security
Mar 10, 2014 - 6:45:30 PM


The Permanent Council of the Organization of American States (OAS) today approved in its regular session convening two meetings of high-level officials and groups of experts on hemispheric security, which will take place at the Organization's headquarters in Washington, D.C.

The Council approved the holding of the Meeting of National Authorities on Transnational Organized Crime during April 24 and 25. The Vice Chair of the Committee on Hemispheric Security of the Permanent Council and Alternate Representative of the Dominican Republic, Flavio Medina, said the meeting will discuss "the implementation of the Hemispheric Plan of Action against Transnational Organized Crime, and efficient cooperation between member states."

Moreover, the Council approved May 5, 2014 as the date for the holding of the Seventh Meeting of the OAS Group of Experts to Prepare Model Legislation in the Areas to Which the Inter-American Convention Against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives and Other Related Materials (CIFTA) Refers; and May 6, 2014 as the date for the Fifteenth Regular Meeting of the Consultative Committee of the CIFTA. Both meetings will take place at the OAS headquarters in Washington D.C.

Under another item of the agenda, the Council welcomed the new Permanent Representative of Guatemala, Jose María Argueta. The President of the Council and Permanent Representative of the Dominican Republic, Pedro Vergés, highlighted the vast experience of Ambassador Argueta in academia and government. "I am confident that the Permanent Council will benefit greatly from your knowledge and your vast international experience, which bodes well for the success of the activities you are starting today with us," said Ambassador Vergés.

In his first address to the Council, the Permanent Representative of Guatemala stated that one of the main goals of his government is "to achieve and consolidate all efforts to address the global drug problem in the Americas." Ambassador Argueta also spoke of the need to join efforts to reduce the problems of inequality that prevail in the region, and he quoted British statesman Winston Churchill when he said that "if the inequality is an invention of the human mind, the human mind can also invent equity." At the same time, he celebrated arriving to the OAS in times of "winds of change" in the Organization, referring to the open debate on the OAS Strategic Vision that consists of revisiting the main objectives of the Organization.

The Council also bid farewell to the Permanent Representative of Chile, Darío Paya, who returns to his country. The Chairman emphasized the "negotiating talent" of Ambassador Paya and recalled that, on behalf of his country, he donated to the OAS Columbus Memorial Library over 18,000 microfilms on the literary legacy of Chilean poet and Literature Nobel Prize winner Gabriela Mistral.

Hugo de Zela, Chief of Staff of the OAS Secretary General, José Miguel Insulza, expressed on behalf of the Secretary General—who is away from headquarters—his appreciation for Ambassador Paya’s work at the head of the Chilean Mission. "I wish to express my admiration for the outstanding work of Darío as Representative of Chile to the OAS. We have all witnessed of his unflagging work, his intelligence, his capacity for dialogue, and his human qualities, that made him in no time and up to now an irreplaceable contributor to the work of the Council," said Ambassador de Zela on behalf of Secretary General Insulza. Ambassador de Zela also conveyed the appreciation of the OAS Assistant Secretary General and his own to the Chilean diplomat for his work.

In his last address to the Council, Ambassador Paya described himself as "a public servant" and said that "if I have helped to heal any wound, then I feel that this has not been in vain and that I have fulfilled my duty." The Chilean representative stated that "in the world we live in today, it is reasonable for this organization to reassess, study, pay attention and revisit the way we conduct the negotiation on the international commitments we make. I think that within the context of the Strategic Vision and the future of this organization, it not would be good to lose an opportunity to see how we can do it better."

Moreover, the Chairman of the Council expressed, on behalf of the body he presides, to the governments of Colombia, Costa Rica and El Salvador "the most enthusiastic congratulations" on the occasion of recent elections in their countries.

During the meeting, the representatives of Guatemala, Argentina (on behalf of ALADI), Canada, Trinidad and Tobago (on behalf of CARICOM), the United States, Nicaragua (on behalf of SICA), the Dominican Republic, Colombia, Honduras, Belize, Peru, Mexico, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Brazil, Uruguay, Venezuela, Paraguay, Dominica and Panama took the floor. The Permanent Observer of Spain, Jorge Hevia—on behalf of France, Germany and his country—also took the floor.

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