Opinions - Joye Ritchie Greene
An Abscess on our Soul
By Joye Ritchie-Greene
Oct 6, 2007 - 2:34:08 AM

An abscess is a tender, easily pressed mass generally surrounded by a colored area from pink to deep red. The middle of an abscess is full of pus and debris ( At one time or another you may have had a tooth abscess or an abscess on your skin. While these are not uncommon occurrences, they can be very painful and most unappealing.

The reasons why these unsightly boils form on our bodies vary; of course the good news is that they eventually go away. I know that this is not a very appetizing thing to read, especially first thing on a Monday morning, but, nor is it appealing to have abscesses in our lives.

As unpleasant as these infections may be, an abscess of the soul is far worse and extremely more harmful. Throughout this world and even right here in our beloved Bahamaland, there are individuals who live their lives without any care and concern; and trivializing life in this way lays the ground work for the formation of an abscess.

The phone lines are usually “open” on Fridays for the listening public to voice their concerns. And, it is usually at this time that we would be reminded of the unscrupulous, unethical, unfaithful and unreliable individuals walking in and out and around our lives each day.

There is definitely an abscess growing on the soul of this country and it is being caused by lazy, money-hungry, apathetic, ungrateful individuals who want something for nothing. There are far too many able-bodied men and women looking for handouts in this country and they are beginning to infect the rest of the population.

We all know someone like this. He or she will sponge off the weakest link in the family until that chain breaks, and then he will move on to friends and acquaintances. After all resources dry up he then becomes a bane to society.

But there must have been warning signs? An abscess just does not appear overnight. The pus has been slowly building for a while but we have been ignoring the signs. The signs have been present to us a long time ago, but we refused to acknowledge them.

One of the greatest toxins and reasons for these abscesses is the great almighty television. As in all things, too much of anything is not good and too much of the wrong television is definitely not good. Our children are exposed to so much television that their ability to make good choices and behave appropriately has been compromised.

Many of the cartoons that are created for television today are not appropriate for children. And of course the ones that are least appropriate are most appealing to them. If parents actually sat and watched the antics and language used by these shows that have been approved suitable for children based on American standards, I am sure you would be shocked and appalled. Additionally, if you were to listen to the language your children use to speak to each other, you would be equally horrified and sickened to the core.

The stench that emanates from the chicken farms is more than enough for us to handle. We have had to live with it for years since the Port Authority and whom ever else is responsible refuse to address this vexing problem. However the stench of disobedience, rudeness, arrogance, lies, avarice and slothfulness is far greater for it has seeped into our souls and the souls of our children.

Yes, there is a terrible abscess growing on our souls, but it is not too late to have it removed. Parents you need to take back control of your homes. Take control of the telephone, television, computer, ipod, gameboy and X-box.

Make it very clear to your children what you will tolerate and not accept. You have the power to remove the abscess; you just need to find the will and resolve to make the incision for the pus to ooze out and the healing to begin.

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