The Pastor's Pulpit
For God so loved
By Pastor Allen
Jul 16, 2010 - 5:02:51 AM

John.3: 16.  For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

As a people we’ve got to understand that the enemy ( Satan ) is doing everything within his power to disrupt the love relationship that God has with mankind.  It’s during difficult economic times such as these that the enemy gain great advantages over many; as we’re more pruned to focus on our economical status than that of walking in and displaying the God kind of love towards one another.

The global economic recession that we’re experiencing today is a strategic / tactical  move of the enemy that has been carried out by devious, scrupulous men; who sits in key positions in the financial realm and through hook and crook they have manipulated the financial systems.

Thereby the concept of giving which is generated by the spirit of love has come under severe attack and questioning; as those that have to give began withhold their giving which is ultimately feeding the enemy’s spirit of recession.

Difficult / challenging times are nothing new as our parents, grand and great grandparents faced and went through the same also. They didn’t have access to the modern technology as we do today; many of them didn’t know the word of God from the Greek / Hebrew perspective as we do today. But they understood the power of giving, sharing and caring for one another.

Whenever there was a harvest of the field or the slaughtering of goats, sheep, cows, chickens, etc; many houses within that community benefited from such harvest; thereby God honored and continually blessed the givers of our forefathers generation.

The blessing that’s tied to giving will forever be a thorn in the enemy’s side and in order to rid himself of this thorn. The enemy has sort to pervert, distort and dispel the entire concept of giving.  In the secular realm he has done this as mentioned above by dishonestly manipulating the financial system through scrupulous men and women.
In the spiritual realm he (enemy) is also gaining an advantage against the body of Messiah; as he works his plans of distorting the true concept of giving through cunning, crafty, self-centered  religious leaders; who are twisting the word of  God primarily for their financial gain.

Watch this !  Whenever there is a Pastor’s Appreciation or Anniversary or any other occasion to give to a religious leader; the primary substance that’s requested to be given is money.

PLEASE, PLEASE, don’t misunderstand or get me wrong, as there is absolutely nothing wrong with the giving of money. But today’s church at large has been methodically trained to see giving from a financial perspective.

What’s wrong with this picture or How many times have you heard this? Where religious leaders are saying (crying) about the church’s inability to do because of the recessions  affect upon the people’s ability to give.

What are they (Religious Leaders) talking about or referring to?  They’re talking about money.  Meanwhile countless families within and outside the church consistently goes hungry and without food in their pantries / cupboards.  

Whereas there are food agencies / distribution companies both locally and internationally that looks for means and avenues to freely give by the rotating of their inventories.  But, twisted religious leaders have been known to press these agencies and companies for finances to deposit into their church’s bank accounts; rather than positioning / preparing themselves to receive food in bulks that can be made readily available to the needy.

Religiously, we consistently quoting the scriptures: Hosea.4:6. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: & Prov.29:18.  Where there is no vision, the people perish:

Watch this ! 

In both passage of scriptures, who is it that’s being destroyed and perishing? It’s the people, not the leaders.

If the religious Bishops, Doctors, Apostles, etc; are all doing good (financially) & holding their own in these difficult times while their congregation are suffering; there is no Amen or glory to God in such situations.

A wealthy / healthy shepherd -church leader is the reflection of a wealthy / healthy sheepfold-congregation. Despite all the eloquent preaching & teachings, if the situation is reversed; then that church / leadership is governed by the  anti-Christ spirit.
With all of my heart, I do believe in God’s prosperity plan for His children and I am a prosperity teacher, because it‘s God will that His people prosper.  But there has to be a balance and truth to the prosperity message, and it’s this balance and truth that’s lacking in today’s religious church.

One of the greatest possessions of a shepherd is his flock and the well being / provision of that flock; should be of the utmost importance to the shepherd.

Here’s what David said about his shepherd:

Ps.23:1.The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.

: 2.  He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.

: 3.  He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.

As a (Shepherd ) Bishop, Doctor, Apostle, etc;  you ought to be known by the care given to your congregation / sheepfold, and not by how well you can preach, teach or by how many books you’ve written.

John.10:11.  I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.

John.10: 14.  I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine.
For questions and comments contact us via or or Ph. 1-242-441-2021.

Pastors Matthew & Brendalee Allen
Kingdom Minded Fellowship Center Int’l

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