The Pastor's Pulpit
His ways or His acts?
By Pastor Allen
Aug 15, 2010 - 10:04:06 PM

Ps.103: 7.  He made known his ways unto Moses, his acts unto the children of Israel.

In the Hebrew the word way/s is: derek, deh'-rek; which has several meanings as follows (1) a road as trodden; (2) a course of life or mode of action, (3) a conversation, (4) a custom,

Having a personal relationship with Yahweh as Moses did puts the believer in the position whereby He can make known / reveal His ways.  Unlike the believer without a personal relationship with Yahweh, He makes know His acts.

As modern day saints, we’re under a much better covenant (New Testament) than the saints of the Old Testament, from Moses’ time until the Messiah.  For this new covenant was not established upon the blood of bulls and goats as that of the old covenant but rather upon the blood of Yeshua Messiah; Yahweh’s only begotten Son.   
The Old Testament is a type / shadow that represented the coming of the Messiah and the New Testament. It’s through Yeshua Messiah that Yahweh has now made known his ways to all mankind; here‘s what Yeshua says about the way “John.14:6.  Jesus saith unto him, I am the way”

In the Greek the word way is: hodos, hod-os'; which has several meanings as follows (1) a road; (2) a mode or means, (3) a journey, (4) a highway.

While in Egypt the children of Israel saw many miraculous sings and wonders (Acts) of Yahweh.  After the Exodus and on their way to the promised land the children of Israel saw even greater acts of God; yet their hearts were still harden as they created ways to sin and rebel against God.

As a nation, we’ve strayed so far away from God and have become comfortable in calling evil, good; and good, evil. In so much that whenever God raises up a voice ( Man or Woman ) to cry out against sin and declare His ways; that individual comes under intense pressure and attack especially from those who are only familiar with His acts.
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Here’s what Yeshua says about this type of believers who believers who follows him / are familiar with his acts, and not disciples to his ways “Matt.5:8. This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.”
The times that we’re living in clearly dictates that our society has lost its way. There is rarely a week that goes by when a murder or two doesn’t occur; we’re asking our people to walk in and extend love to one another.  The type of love that can unite and bring about the much needed peace among our people can only be found in Yahweh “To know God, is to know and express love;  No God, No Love.

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1John.4:7.  Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.

: 8.  He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.

Despite all the hate and negativity that’s being generated in our society today, all is not lost; for love will always conqueror hate, light will always over power darkness; where sin abounded, grace did much more abound.

As you’re reading this article, it gives me great pleasure to say that if each of us take the time and go out our way; if we have to and share some love, not just with those who we believe loves us; but even with those whom we KNOW don’t have the same type of love for us, we would be walking in His way.

His way, is the way of love; and love is about giving:
John.3: 16.  For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

For questions and comments contact us via

Pastors Matthew & Brendalee Allen
Kingdom Minded Fellowship Center Int’l
or kmfci@live,com or Ph.1-242-441-2021

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