The Pastor's Pulpit
By Pastor Allen
Jul 13, 2010 - 10:42:11 PM

The event that took place on July 10th 1973, was the most historical and meaningful event that I’ve experienced outside that of the acceptance of Yeshuwa Messiah (a.k.a. Jesus the Christ) as my Lord and Savior.

As time went on there was a great sense of pride, joy and excitement being displayed both far and wide among the grassroots of our people.  And then something happened that made the significance of July 10th to be viewed by many Bahamians as just another event or day in the life of the Bahamas.

What happened ? I’m glad you’ve asked, and even though you may not agree with me; I’m okay with that and I respect your views.

But nonetheless here we go. The Older Folks had a saying that says “Time is longer than rope” in other words, the rope of your belief / methods of operation is not longer than time; for time which is governed and controlled by God will eventually prove who’s right or wrong.

Watch this !  The acknowledgment and celebration of the historical event of July 10th 1973, was supposed to be a symbolic, perpetual celebration and up-lifting of the heads and spirit of all Bahamians (Black & White) as a result of the advancement and development of the Bahamas post July 10th 1973.

But to the contrary, and as with everything that has the potential of being good and building a Better Bahamas; the jaws and stronghold of politics get involve and now here we have it.  July 10th, The Bahamas Independence Day and its celebrations has been watered down and reduced to a political football, and is celebrated by many Bahamians to the extend as to which political party (P.L.P. or F.N.M.) is governing the country at the time.

How could men and women (politicians) who would have experienced that which took place on July 10th, 1973, be so immature and stupid as to allow their politics to divide this country insomuch that the fire of Independence has left the hearts of many Bahamians?

The theme or focus of this Independence was “Seeing Independence through the eyes of our youths” I stand to be corrected if this wasn’t the case.

But just to show you how dangerous and divisive politics can be; in watching ZNS local news as they interviewed members of the (F.N.M. Torch Bearers  & P.L.P. Young Liberals) concerning this year’s Independence celebrations.

Both of these groups response were solely politically based in the representation and promotion of their political party; there I saw the methodical continuation of the spirit of division by the politicians through the eyes of those youths.

Mr. Prime Minister / Mr. Leader of the Opposition when will this end ?  The destructive, divisive trend that you’ll have fostered in our once beautiful Bahamas.  We’re always talking about vision in this country and I agree that there are some areas that you men (as leaders) needs help in as it relates to vision; but when it comes to this destructive, divisive trend in our nation, even Blind Blake and Stevie Wonder could see how it’s taking a toll on the Bahamian people.  Please Stop! 

If this was really about the youths, why is it that you couldn’t have the Torch Bearers & The Young Liberals working together from in February leading up to July 10th ?  But then again it’ s all about POLITICS, POLITICS, & MORE POLITICS.

This thing is so bad, in that even the church is caught in the middle. But I hasten to say to the religious leaders (Bishops, Apostles, Doctors, Pastors, etc;) despite how you try to fashion / tailor your messages to fit your political views; God is not a P.L.P or F.N.M. and no amount of prayers and speaking in tongues can change that.

If we’re serious about building a Better Bahamas we need to stop playing the political &  religious games and seek to unite the Bahamas thereby we all can stand side by side and shoulder to shoulder and proudly sing our National Anthem.
Lift up your head to the rising sun Bahamaland    
March on to glory, your bright banners waving high
See how the world marks the manner of our bearing
Pledge to excel thro’ love and unity

Pressing onward, march together, to a common loftier goal
Steady sunward tho’ the weather hides wide and treacherous shoal
Lift up your heads to the rising sun, Bahamaland,
Till the road you’ve trod lead unto your God, March on Bahamaland

Happy Independence:

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Pastors Matthew & Brendalee Allen
Kingdom Minded Fellowship Center Int’l

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