The Pastor's Pulpit
There was a Bahama Land
By Pastor Allen
Sep 29, 2010 - 3:15:49 PM

Listen up; you political junkies (F.N.M’s, P.L.P’s  & The Rest) who will sell the tombstones of your Mother’s grave for the sake of your political party.  It is quite obvious that the future of generations to come means very little to you.

Is there no real men left in this country that stand up and say to The Powers That Be “NO WAY, THIS LAND BELONGS TO OUR CHILDREN’S CHILDREN and IT’S NOT FOR SALE !

Now, I don’t expect the religious Bishops, Doctors, Apostles, etc; to take a stand when it comes to national issues such as the sale of the BAHAMAS, because the vast majority of them are to politically contaminated and have already gotten their piece of land and  constructed their shrines (so called) houses of God.

Therefore their silence is being heard loud and clear throughout the length and breath of the Bahamas.

Religiously, as a nation we often quote Hosea.4:6. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge:   And everyday it’s been made evidentially clear that the true revelation of Hosea.4:6, is nowhere in our psyche.  
Throughout the entire bible the word LAND is mentioned 1717 in 1489 verses.  In the Old Testament 1667 times in 1442 verses and in the New Testament 50 times in 47 verses.

Watch this ! 
Gen.2:11. Talks about the land of Havilah,  Gen.2:13. Talks about the land of Ethiopia, Gen.4:16. Talks about the land of Nod, Gen.10:10. Talks about the land of Shinar,  Gen.11:13. Talks about the land of Canaan,  Gen.13:10. Talks about the land of Egypt, Gen.21:32. Talks about the land of the Philistines, etc;

The children of Israel left Egypt heading for their promised LAND.  The fight in the Middle East today is contingent about LAND.  Unfortunately for our grand and great grand children, LAND is of the least concern to our leaders / parents of today.
Everybody seems to be interested in right now (today), as a result today’s politicians have methodically created ways to sell the Bahamas to the highest bidders and personally reap handsome rewards.

Who can be trusted to preserve the Bahamas for the future generation ?  Because disguised in quest of progress and development is the spirit of selling.  For years it has been said that “the Bahamas has the best officials that money can buy”  in the initial outset, I bitterly rejected this saying; but now (today), I won’t be so foolish.
Several years ago I made a statement that the Bahamas will soon be called “The US-Bahama Island”  like that of the US Virgin Islands because of the influence that America has on the Bahamas.  At that time a prominent political figure said to me “The manner in which things are going in this country, anything is possible”

Here’s a question for you political junkies, who can’t see anything wrong:  “What was the purpose of the event on July 10th 1973, ?   Was the lowering of the Union Jack Flag & the hoisting of the Bahamian Flag (The symbolic Act of Independence), meant to bring us (The Bahamas) to this point where today’s political leaders can sell the country to the Chinese Government and the other special interest groups ?

In other words, so long / good riddance to all that our forefathers fought for in gaining independence.  It’s something like “This is my government / my country and I can do as I’m pleased”

I wonder what would today’s Bahamas be like if we had some real men with testosterone in the once Honorable House of Assembly?

That’s just a silly thought that I had; REAL MEN in the House of Assembly:  Wow ! That will be the day ! 

I MUST give props to both the current Prime Minister, Old Sitting Bull (Papa) and the former / soon to be the next Prime Minister (The Rock of Gibraltar) Christie.  These two men have done an excellent job in keeping the people in a state of dependency, whereby whatever they says the people accepts.

So, my fellow Bahamians while you’re at your political rallies wearing your YELLOW  &  RED T-Shirts, drinking your Kaliks and your Sands beers.  My prayers is that you would also make time to teach your children and grand children how to fight for their independence; seeing that you’ve sold it for a T-Shirt, and a few beers.   By the time the communist Chinese Government & other special interest groups show their true colors, Bahamians would need much more permission to travel certain parts of Nassau and to various Family Islands.

Here’s the National Anthem as a result of short sighted leadership:

Hang Down your heads to the setting sun Bahama Land / Bahamians
March back to bondage; don’t even think about waving a banner without permission
See how the world marks the manner of what you could have bear
Pledge to ensure that foreigners do excel thro’ love and unity

It was good while is lasted;  good bye Bahama Land !

For questions or comments contact us via or or Ph.1-242-441-2021

Pastors Matthew & Brendalee Allen
Kingdom Minded Fellowship Center Int’l

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