The Pastor's Pulpit
Why sit there?
By Pastor Allen
Nov 16, 2010 - 1:52:31 PM

2Kings.7:3. And there were four leprous men at the entering in of the gate: and they said to one another, Why sit we here until we die ?
Famine, recession / challenging times was nothing new to the children of God in what we call the bible days; as there was various reasons a famine occurred. But here’s the kicker; your obedience to God’s word during the famine determined the affects of the famine to your household / nation.

It is often said, from a religious perspective “that there is no recession in the kingdom of God” in most cases this statement is said to help motivate and encourage the hearers; and will ultimately end up with a financial offering being asked for.
The level of gullibility that’s within the Christian church today due to the twisted / incomplete prosperity has caused many church-folks to live beneath God’s plans and purpose for their lives. Without the spirit of discernment the above statement of “No recession in the kingdom of God” is happily received and goes unchecked.
Whereas the scriptures clearly shows that the land where many saints of God dwelled experienced some sort of famine / recession. And at times God, Himself would send a famine due to sin and rebellion of the people.
Now, you could choose to argue and debate the scriptures to prove your point; or you can take the time to diligently study and rightly divide the word of truth. The truth of the matter is that in God’s kingdom, where His laws and rules are fully carried out and obeyed there is no famine / recession. But here we are today where man is yet skillfully creating ways and means to bypass God’s laws and rules; recessions are bound to come. It is evident that God’s kingdom has not yet come or haven’t been fully established in the earth.
Yahshua Messiah (a.k.a. Jesus the Christ) gave many parables with reference to the kingdom of God. In teaching His disciples to pray, in Matthew.6:10. Here’s what Yahshua says “Matt.6:10. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven”
Here’s the Apostle Paul’s description of God’s kingdom: Rom.14: 17. For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.

Could it be that the antidote for the famine / recession that we’re experiencing today is “righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit” verses that of the incomplete / twisted prosperity gospel that’s being preached which primarily benefit’s the religious leaders ?
Therefore, instead of ignorantly waiting to be pacified by some eloquent speaking religious leader; with emotional messages and religious clichés that makes the church feel good. It would best serve congregations if they were told the uncompromising truth of God’s word.
Watch this !
The four leprous men that’s mentioned in the above scripture (2King.7:3) made a decision during a difficult time. What about you, what decision are you going to make in these tough, difficult and challenging times ?
There is no need for you to remain in the state of famine / recession (spiritually & naturally) due to ignorance, rebellion and disobedience. For here’s what Isaiah.1:19, says “If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land”
As the land goes through this time of famine / recession and families are falling apart (especially) some Christian families; God is holding the country’s elite religious leaders responsible for the decay / deterioration of the family structure and values.
As you’re reading this article it’s of the utmost importance that you DON’T ALLOW WHERE YOU ARE, TO DETERMINE WHO YOU ARE.
Yes, you might be experiencing some type of famine / recession right now for whatever reason. But hear me; you don’t have to allow what you’re going through to determine who you are.
For contrary to your situation; you are the righteousness of God (Yahweh) in and through Yahshua Messiah (a.k.a. Jesus the Christ).
As the Spirit of God reveals all wrong decisions you’ve made, and expose all those who would have taken advantage of you. By no means are you to stay in that situation or position, or allow the spirit of bitterness, hatred and unforgiveness to take root in your heart towards anybody. As this will only assist in prolonging the famine / recession that you’re experiencing.
It’s time for you shift gear ! Why sit there, in that ungodly situation until you die ? It’s time to move forward; forgetting those things that are behind and pressing towards the mark of the prize of the high calling of Yahweh in Yahshua Messiah.
For questions or comments contact us via or or Ph. 1-242-441-2021
Pastors Matthew & Brendalee Allen
Kingdom Minded Fellowship Center Int’l

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