Preventative Measure - Gamal Newry
Eye in the Sky
By Gamal Newry
Jul 16, 2007 - 11:24:26 AM

The buzz in the industry is cameras, that is CCTV or surveillance systems.  We have the seen interest with the installation of cameras in downtown Nassau , in an effort to monitor crime in this area. Not a new concept in fact one that has been tested and tried in numerous jurisdictions. One recent attempt is Chelsea, Massachusetts , just north of Boston , which has invested in quarter million 27 camera system, with the hopes of this system cutting the crime rate.
This is the  hope of most business that invest in cameras, that these devices will be the end it all as it pertains to their security and loss prevention woes.  However, we are reminded that crime takes on a multitude of different faces, and attempts at reducing or solving crime must take on just as much characteristics. So if one is hoping that a camera system will solve the numerous security risks, they are being mislead. In fact on of the most confusing functions of a system is its ability to provide pictures of the potential event. This factor is pretty controllable in building or store, but very unreliable out in the open, where smart criminals will simply move to areas that are not being monitored or that out of the panorama of the device. A needs assessment of the proposed system is key to its practicality, so some simple key questions need to be asked.
1. What do I want to watch?
Is the desired subject fixed or a movable asset, big or small, and very important color and light sensitivity especially during the night. I am watching repetitive activities or changing events
2. How long do I want to watch it?
This really applies to the vulnerability of the subject, which may only be exposed during particular times of the day, thus do I need to watch it for 2 hours or 24 hours.  This should be taken into consideration with question #1, as the eyes tend to play tricks on you if you are watching the same type of activity over a long period of time.
3. What is the value of what I want to watch?
This is the big question, because it really determines the amount of money that will be invested in the monitoring / recording. A basic camera system can be purchased for as little as $99, but can this system give us the type of service we would desire.
4. What do I want to see (record and monitoring)?
This is important because it will determine where the device is placed and what type of device is used for eg: pan-tilt-zoom, infra red etc. The type of camera selected will determine the monitoring capabilities and playback quality. This may also require consideration as to weather we monitor via review of recorded video or real-time view management.
The bells and whistle phenomena, which is to say that the service provider or vendor that you are dealing with is going to try to sell you the store and then some. Be very careful not to get caught up in this haze of technology as it can be very confusing. I have been in the industry for several years and I sometimes have to step back and consider the issues, outside of the vendor who will promise you the world.
Next week we will go into more detail on this type of security initiative and how it can help in preventing crime, or can it?
Gamal Newry is President of Preventative Measures, a Security and Law Enforcement Training and Consulting Company. Comments can be sent to P.O. Box N3154 Nassau , Bahamas or Email:


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