Radiant Health - Angelika Christie
Breath of Life (part three)
By Angelika Christie
Nov 17, 2006 - 3:50:02 PM

I wonder if anybody who read my last two articles about the right way of breathing took my advice to heart and practiced what I had suggested. If you did, even for just a week, I know that your health has improved. Congratulations to you! Everything in your life will improve with the right way of breathing; continue with ever increasing joy and vigor.


In this third part of “Breath of Life”, I will give you a few examples of how controlled breathing can affect specific health conditions.


The basis of holistic medicine suggests that the health of one system affects the health of every other system in the body. The breath connection we talked about throughout the last two articles offers a holistic treatment where an optimum level of carbon dioxide allows for all of the vital organs and systems to be oxygenated for perfect health throughout the body. That is what we want to achieve:


Homeostasis, balance and resilience against disease .

The cause of disease is often found in hyperventilation. The range of those diseases is enormous, as I have mentioned in my earlier article; there are over 200 diseases that can be healed, or greatly improved by reconditioning your breath.


The most astonishing healings have been recorded for people suffering from asthma, bronchitis, or emphysema, for which there is little help in allopathic medicine.   The tragedy for those who are on bronchodilators is that they dilate the bronchial tubes, but dilated air passages are the cause of the attack in the first place! Carbon dioxide is nature’s own bronchodilator. When the level of carbon dioxide in the lungs is maintained, the body does not need to go into spasm to reduce the intake of breath. Many people with respiratory problems, which include allergic reactions, have a tendency to breathe through their mouths. This increases the air intake, and also the danger of inhaling more pollutants that can irritate the airways.


Apart from a considerable drop of carbon dioxide, this also creates mucus, inflammation, constriction, which often leads to a blocked nose and sinusitis. Now you grasp of more air, and, unfortunately compound the bad situation. It has also been observed, that when carbon dioxide is not at a good level, it prevents the body to produce the natural form of the hormone “cortisone”, which leaves the body vulnerable to allergic responses.

So you see, there is an unfortunately vicious cycle here.


If you suffer from narrowed air passages right now, even just a “stuffy nose”, try this breathing exercise right now and see what happens:


Relax for a few minutes, slowing down your breathing. Then exhale slowly and keep your breath out for as long as you can . I bet your nasal air passages are open now. If not, they are more open than before, which means that you should repeat this exercise a few times over. Note: always give yourself a few minutes of slow, shallow breathing before you hold your breath out again.   So for all of you who doubted that this will work; it even works for you who do not have a stuffed up nose…. Holding your breath out will open your air passages, period.


Why? It is the never failing intelligence of your body to widen your air tubes if you hold your breath out a bit longer than you usually do (kind of signaling that it is o.k. to breathe in again), and narrow them when you over-breathe (signaling to slow down your breathing!) So you see that the link between respiration and health is critical, and carbon dioxide plays a vital role in this balance.

Apart from this very immediate effect, we may not feel the tremendous benefits to the internal body systems; but you can be sure that the positive effects are just as profound.


The Elimination System is another area whose proper functioning is so important, and keeping it working well should be a concern to all of us. In today’s world of increasing pollution and assaults on our bodies by chemicals and pesticides in the food chain, it is especially important to detoxify our bodies regularly, which I addressed in an earlier article. But did you know that when we hyperventilate we prevent our liver and kidneys to do their job properly? Why? Because carbon dioxide is necessary for the regeneration of cells in our organs, and consequently our eliminating organs like the liver and the kidneys become toxic themselves. The breath connection has a mayor detoxifying affect and greatly speeds up the elimination process.


Did you know that carbon dioxide is greatly responsible for the pH balance in our blood?

When carbon dioxide is dissolved in water, (we know that our bodies consist of over 70% water) it is converted into carbonic acid (this only sounds scary, but is a vital chemical reaction). This splits into bicarbonate ions and hydrogen ions, which affect the delicate acid-alkali (pH) balance of the blood, which profoundly influences all chemical reaction in the body. The pH balance is different for many systems within our body, ranging from the very acid fluid (pH-2), which are necessary to digest food in the stomach, to the very alkaline juices (pH-7.5 to 8.8) in the pancreas. The right balance is crucial, and even a slight imbalance can have unpleasant consequences, while significant shifts are deadly within only a few hours.


Apart from eating more alkaline foods, and taking baths with Epsom Salt and Baking Soda, which I have already talked about in previous articles; preventing too much carbon dioxide to leave your body through over breathing is important for a balanced pH level in the blood. Bicarbonates, which form from dissolved carbon dioxide act as buffers within the body and help neutralizing acids, therefore maintaining the optimal pH state.


Once the pH balance in the body is upset, the entire immune system is compromised, and we know what a weak immune system means: infectious diseases all the way from the common cold to cancer, including the autoimmune diseases, can take hold and thrive.


So the question is : Can the right way of breathing protect me from diseases?

The answer is : Yes! Can it heal, or greatly better an existing condition? Yes again!

Does it then not lengthen you life? You bet it does!


Do you think you’ve heard enough of my arguments for you to change your unhealthy breathing patterns? Maybe you think that you are fine the way you are. I am not going to argue with you, but if you are still not convinced, read my final article on breathing.


Join me in another journey on how the breath affects our nervous system, and consequently our mood. You can actually breathe yourself into terror, or bliss… Sounds interesting? I hope so, because I would like to sit in your company again, sharing more with you next week.


Until then…Your Partner in Health



I would like to hear from you. Any comments, questions, or suggestions are most welcome.

Email me at: Or call me at 242-373-2357



In this third part of “Breath of Life”, I will give you a few examples of how controlled breathing can affect specific health conditions.


The basis of holistic medicine suggests that the health of one system affects the health of every other system in the body. The breath connection we talked about throughout the last two articles offers a holistic treatment where an optimum level of carbon dioxide allows for all of the vital organs and systems to be oxygenated for perfect health throughout the body. That is what we want to achieve:


Homeostasis, balance and resilience against disease .

The cause of disease is often found in hyperventilation. The range of those diseases is enormous, as I have mentioned in my earlier article; there are over 200 diseases that can be healed, or greatly improved by reconditioning your breath.


The most astonishing healings have been recorded for people suffering from asthma, bronchitis, or emphysema, for which there is little help in allopathic medicine.   The tragedy for those who are on bronchodilators is that they dilate the bronchial tubes, but dilated air passages are the cause of the attack in the first place! Carbon dioxide is nature’s own bronchodilator. When the level of carbon dioxide in the lungs is maintained, the body does not need to go into spasm to reduce the intake of breath. Many people with respiratory problems, which include allergic reactions, have a tendency to breathe through their mouths. This increases the air intake, and also the danger of inhaling more pollutants that can irritate the airways.


Apart from a considerable drop of carbon dioxide, this also creates mucus, inflammation, constriction, which often leads to a blocked nose and sinusitis. Now you grasp of more air, and, unfortunately compound the bad situation. It has also been observed, that when carbon dioxide is not at a good level, it prevents the body to produce the natural form of the hormone “cortisone”, which leaves the body vulnerable to allergic responses.

So you see, there is an unfortunately vicious cycle here.


If you suffer from narrowed air passages right now, even just a “stuffy nose”, try this breathing exercise right now and see what happens:


Relax for a few minutes, slowing down your breathing. Then exhale slowly and keep your breath out for as long as you can . I bet your nasal air passages are open now. If not, they are more open than before, which means that you should repeat this exercise a few times over. Note: always give yourself a few minutes of slow, shallow breathing before you hold your breath out again.   So for all of you who doubted that this will work; it even works for you who do not have a stuffed up nose…. Holding your breath out will open your air passages, period.


Why? It is the never failing intelligence of your body to widen your air tubes if you hold your breath out a bit longer than you usually do (kind of signaling that it is o.k. to breathe in again), and narrow them when you over-breathe (signaling to slow down your breathing!) So you see that the link between respiration and health is critical, and carbon dioxide plays a vital role in this balance.

Apart from this very immediate effect, we may not feel the tremendous benefits to the internal body systems; but you can be sure that the positive effects are just as profound.


The Elimination System is another area whose proper functioning is so important, and keeping it working well should be a concern to all of us. In today’s world of increasing pollution and assaults on our bodies by chemicals and pesticides in the food chain, it is especially important to detoxify our bodies regularly, which I addressed in an earlier article. But did you know that when we hyperventilate we prevent our liver and kidneys to do their job properly? Why? Because carbon dioxide is necessary for the regeneration of cells in our organs, and consequently our eliminating organs like the liver and the kidneys become toxic themselves. The breath connection has a mayor detoxifying affect and greatly speeds up the elimination process.


Did you know that carbon dioxide is greatly responsible for the pH balance in our blood?

When carbon dioxide is dissolved in water, (we know that our bodies consist of over 70% water) it is converted into carbonic acid (this only sounds scary, but is a vital chemical reaction). This splits into bicarbonate ions and hydrogen ions, which affect the delicate acid-alkali (pH) balance of the blood, which profoundly influences all chemical reaction in the body. The pH balance is different for many systems within our body, ranging from the very acid fluid (pH-2), which are necessary to digest food in the stomach, to the very alkaline juices (pH-7.5 to 8.8) in the pancreas. The right balance is crucial, and even a slight imbalance can have unpleasant consequences, while significant shifts are deadly within only a few hours.


Apart from eating more alkaline foods, and taking baths with Epsom Salt and Baking Soda, which I have already talked about in previous articles; preventing too much carbon dioxide to leave your body through over breathing is important for a balanced pH level in the blood. Bicarbonates, which form from dissolved carbon dioxide act as buffers within the body and help neutralizing acids, therefore maintaining the optimal pH state.


Once the pH balance in the body is upset, the entire immune system is compromised, and we know what a weak immune system means: infectious diseases all the way from the common cold to cancer, including the autoimmune diseases, can take hold and thrive.


So the question is : Can the right way of breathing protect me from diseases?

The answer is : Yes! Can it heal, or greatly better an existing condition? Yes again!

Does it then not lengthen you life? You bet it does!


Do you think you’ve heard enough of my arguments for you to change your unhealthy breathing patterns? Maybe you think that you are fine the way you are. I am not going to argue with you, but if you are still not convinced, read my final article on breathing.


Join me in another journey on how the breath affects our nervous system, and consequently our mood. You can actually breathe yourself into terror, or bliss… Sounds interesting? I hope so, because I would like to sit in your company again, sharing more with you next week.


Until then…Your Partner in Health



I would like to hear from you. Any comments, questions, or suggestions are most welcome.

Email me at: Or call me at 242-373-2357


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