Radiant Health - Angelika Christie
Male Menopause?
By Angelika Christie, ND
Jun 29, 2009 - 2:26:25 PM

Is there such a thing? Yes, but it is not called ‘menopause’ because there is no such event as ‘menses’ in a male’s life. A man’s drop in testosterone (the male hormone) is called ‘Andropause’. In my last article I told you a little about the important role of hormones to protect us from disease and support peak performance and wellbeing.


I start with the men today, because the coming weekend we celebrate our men as fathers. When a male has fathered a child, his most important biological purpose has been fulfilled. That does not mean that he then can sit back and be catered to, or go to look for another female to procreate. A father is also the protector and provider for his family. But this is another subject. Let me focus on what most men do not know about their bodies, what actually happens when they get older; their Andropause.


Men age a bit differently than women; they usually don’t feel the aging process as much because their concern is not the softness of their skin, or the slim waistline etc. When men age, what they notice first is a drop in energy and a bigger struggle with stress. Abuse of alcohol and other drugs are more common with males; they often lack a natural feeling for a balanced life, which does not only include a healthy diet, but also balanced physical activity. Men often either overdo, or under-do.


If you are a male in your 40’s you may have started to feel the following changes which could include: higher irritability, thinking and memory lapses, occasional depression, stress overload, and a decreased interest, or dissatisfaction in sexual performance. These symptoms are part of a decline in the male hormone, testosterone. A male is a male because of the abundance of testosterone in his body. At age 20 a man’s testosterone level is 1,000 nanograms per deciliter in the blood. By age 50 it has dropped to 700, and it continues to drop by about 100 nanograms per decade.


But it is not only the declining testosterone that ages a man, (in women it is the decline in the hormones estrogens and progesterone) but many other hormones whose decline is triggered by the brain’s hormonal messengers sending electrical codes to many glands and organs. It becomes more and more laborious and difficult for the brain to jumpstart the appropriate hormones. Especially the follicle- stimulating hormone (FSH) and the leutinizing hormone   (LH) increase in an attempt to up-regulate the failing sexual

organs. This increase in FSH and LH becomes toxic to the brain, setting off an acceleration of aging in all organs and glands, including the bones. The ‘pauses’ are triggered. (The word “pauses” for different declines due to aging is taken from Dr. Eric Braverman)


As the testosterone level drops, the dopamine level in the brain drops too. Very often this triggers a desire to self- medicate by using drugs as a “feel good” substitute. Bad food choices, often known as “comfort foods” which are too high in refined carbohydrates accelerates the aging process in men just like in women. Diabetes and obesity have become more common in males, and together with the abuse of alcohol and drugs, a male’s sex-life is badly affected.


Another vicious cycle is the use of (often unnecessary) prescription drugs that affect a man’s ability to perform, which may lead to other prescription drugs like Viagra and Cialis. The truth is that most erectile dysfunctions are due to a drop in testosterone. Would it not be better to have your male hormone ‘testosterone’ balanced, increase your circulation naturally with the harmless amino acid Arginine, and raise your dopamine with supplementing natural substances? The brain chemical ‘dopamine’ is very important to stay youthful and healthy. When it comes to sexual performance in men, a lack of sufficient dopamine can lead to all kinds of sexual dysfunction, erectile, libido, genital size, etc.


You may be a bit shocked now, but I hope you use this to make better choices in your life style, and find out how you can support your male body to function to its optimal capacity for a long and healthy life. Isn’t that what you want for yourself and your woman? Your age can be measured by your sexual ability. When your sexual ability drops, so does your health, it is that simple. It has been shown that by bringing testosterone to a more youthful level in aging men and consequently delaying or lessening the effects of Andropause, all other ‘pauses’ are delayed or lessened also.


There is much you can do with natural substances to support your testosterone and dopamine. Here are a few suggestions for direct natural hormonal support: The supplements Arginine, Ginkgo biloba, Yohimbine and Folic acid for dopamine and circulation, and DHEA, HGH, Androgel for natural testosterone support, or consult with your medical doctor about the prescription of a bio-identical testosterone compound designed to your specific need.

A good supplement regimen, which includes amino acids for your brain, muscles and circulation are important. Look for foods high in copper and zinc, and substitute high sugar food with ‘food for a man’, which is high in good protein like fish and lean meat, nuts, eggs and yoghurt. Also add colourful vegetables and good fats, which includes the essential fatty acids, and the Omega 3 fats.


For the best life style, diet and supplement advice to support a men’s optimum health, consult with a qualified healthcare professional. Knowing your body and supporting its optimum health will not only prolong your life, but keep your sexual strength and consequently your happiness all the way into your golden age.




Angelika Christie ND is the managing director of Radiant Health Center

You can reach her at 242-352-1010 or


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