Radiant Health - Angelika Christie
Why is it more important than ever to detoxify our body regularly?
By Angelika Christie, ND
Jan 15, 2008 - 8:40:13 PM

Did you now that in one day we take as much toxins and pollutants into our bodies as our ancestors of the last century in their entire lifetime?
Do you know where most of these toxins are stored? You guessed right if you thought of our fat cells.


Our liver is the greatest detoxifier, but often overwhelmed by the continuous onslaughts of foreign substances which our, so-called, civilized life style entails. Is it any surprise then that we get sicker and more obese as we get older?


It is no secret, but straight mathematics: by the age of 65 the average person has eaten about 50 tons of food. That’s one hundred thousand pounds of either good, or bad food having been processed by our organs and passed through our intestines.


What do you think happened when the food consumed consisted of mostly unnatural, dead (cooked), and chemically laden material? You think you don’t eat stuff like this? Think again.

Unless you eat only organically grown fruits and vegetables, and eat only the meat of animals that have been kept free of antibiotics, hormones and steroids, and were grass fed on mineral- rich soil pastures; you are laden with toxins.


This is precisely why we need to detoxify our bodies on a regular basis.


Coming back to the great detoxifier, our liver is our greatest friend and ally. When we overtax our liver, we are in trouble. Well, not right away, because the infinite intelligence of our natural design which assures survival as the most important mission, (at least during our reproductive years), pushes the overload into fat cells. Toxins and ballast material is stored away from vital organs in our fat cells until the liver “gets a break” and is able to pull some toxins out of the fat cells for processing and elimination.


For most of us on a typical American, or Bahamian diet, the toxins build up in our bodies on a daily basis. Somewhere in the back of our minds we know that our body needs perfect nutrients for health, vitality, a strong immune system that fights disease, and for longevity.


What can we do to assist our body in releasing toxins and dead matter?

We need to detoxify on a regular basis! Isn’t it logical?

There are many ways to detoxify the body.


I always like to go back to basics; meaning that I am not an advocate for processed, over the counter preparations of the supplement industry. Don’t get me wrong, I believe in supplements for the defense and support of our body where there is a lack of nutrients in our food and in times of immediate danger of bacterial/viral attack in our surrounding. I also believe in supplementing with high- grade phyto- nutrients, amino acids, and enzymes as we get beyond our reproductive years in order to stay strong, healthy and sharp in the brain. When it comes to detoxifying the whole body system, I think it is best to do so with simple, but powerful, and may I say, proven remedies like the “Lemonade Fast” (The Master Cleanser), Vegetable Broth Fast, or Grape Cure, to name a few.


How to do a proper detoxification will be discussed in my upcoming workshop on Saturday January 19. It is as important to brake a fast properly as the fast itself. The right mental and emotional attitude is of utmost importance too; few understand these points, but you need to incorporate these into the detoxification of the whole body.


By the way…. A very pleasant “side effect” often is a significant weight loss. Fat that does not come back after you go back to normal eating. Why? Because if you do a cleansing and detoxifying of your whole body, your cravings for sugar and unhealthy foods are gone.


You don’t believe me? Doing is believing. I invite you to join me in the adventure of loving your body free of toxins by signing up for the workshop this Saturday.


Call: Doctor Angelika Christie at 242-352-1010    Radiant Health Center

Or e-mail:




Detoxification Workshop         11 am-12:30 pm    Saturday 19.01.2008

Presented by: Angelika Christie ND


Subjects that will be covered in this workshop :


Fasting as a way of detox.

Detailed plan of action


1.)     How to prepare for a detox or fast.

2.)     How to follow through and what to expect

3.)     Mental/Emotional support during the fast/detox

4.)     How to break the fast/detox program.

5.)     What to eat after finishing the program.


These may be some of the questions that will be covered.



1.)     Why detox?

2.)     How long does it take?

3.)     How will I feel during the detox?

4.)     What is a Healing Crisis?

5.)     Will I lose weight?

6.)     Can I work, or be active during the detox?

7.)     Can I take my medication and supplements during the detox?

8.)     What if I decide to stop earlier?


There will be a sampling of three different detox programs during the workshop.

The differences and benefits will be discussed.



 At the end of the workshop, small groups of people will join together for a particular detox regimen, for support and encouragement.

Hand-outs will be given to take home






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