Robbin's Nest - Robbin Whachell
From the Nest...
By Robbin Whachell, Editor, The Bahamas Weekly
Jul 2, 2007 - 7:37:16 PM

So where have I been some of you may have been wondering...? Well, life has been extremely busy. First off, The Bahamas Weekly is growing at such a fast pace and I am very excited about its potential. I spend most of my time gathering information, sifting through information and posting information and images to this website, which has given me little time to write in my own column.

I started Robbin's Nest as my way of 'keepin' it personal' after I joined forces with Dave Mackey and we got going after  My children said, "It is not you anymore's just this big thing." So I think of them, and I think of those of you that have been with me from the humble beginnings of sending emails out (one item per email) from my home computer.

I still sit from that same computer at home, but now the website has taken a life of its own. As the editor of one of the newest media forums in the country, it can be challenging to keep up with the pace!  My bike hasn't been moved in half a year I am ashamed to say, I've definitely put on weight. But I would not change working from home, and the ability to be here for my children before and after school hours.

There is good and bad to working from your home. I believe when people began to work from home most thought it would be better, save time, allow you all the perks of just sitting in whatever attire you like, and getting up to eat as you want.  But I have to say that I've found that it can be most difficult to NOT work from home, especially when the machine (my most powerful work tool) is right there in front of me.  And, on the information highway you are always getting fresh material coming your way. I get very enthused when I come across a jewel of information for this website, and can't wait to post it for others to see. 

Life has been good, challenging, rewarding, and most difficult at times. I am sure most of you can say the same.  Motherhood, work, keeping the calendar of events going in my own life (not to exclude Grand Bahama, New Providence, and the Family Islands) can be pretty hectic!

Three of my four children are now teenagers and that is very demanding and nerve wrecking as well! We are all here for the summer, enjoying the time together (as we can handle it) and the great summer camps available this year on Grand Bahama.

To those of you that have kept in touch, I send a shout out to you! Also to all my new online friends and contacts in New Providence and Abaco, please know I hope to get over to your neck of this archipelago as soon as I am able. And I can't forget my friends and family in other parts of the world...hello!

Some of you have written me about Leah Harlingten. I am sorry to say, we are still in the blind on this one. His family and their legal council are trying to clear things up, but nothing postive to report as yet. So no, our family friend has not been laid to rest.

I wish you all a safe, wonderful summer. Do write me if you so wish. In particular if you have comments on the website.

AND keep enjoying

About the author:
Robbin Whachell has been a resident of Grand  Bahama since 1998.  She moved to Freeport from Vancouver, Canada.  She is the mother of four children and is an involved volunteer in the community, in particular with the YMCA.   She is a founding  member of the Grand Bahama Writer's Circle, and The Bahamas representative for the International Women's Writer's Guild. Her passion for life on Grand Bahama comes across in her innovative and intuitive sharing and networking of information within the community she lives.  She is appreciative of her opportunity to live in The Bahamas and looks forward to the continuance of being a team player within the larger community of The Bahamas.   Robbin is the Editor of and can be reached at

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