Service Organizations
Mission: Potcake a tremendous success in Grand Bahama
By Tip Burrows, Humane Society of Grand Bahama
Mar 26, 2014 - 7:44:57 PM


Grand Bahama, Bahamas - Mission: Potcake began Tuesday morning (March 18th) with high winds and blowing rain causing some delays, but the rest of the week we were blessed with beautiful weather. Once we got rolling, we really rolled!

260 dogs and cats were fixed in the five day clinic. Working in the "out areas" is always a challenge as there is usually a high number of difficult, lengthier surgeries due to many compromised animals, and this week was no exception. Many dogs and cats were malnourished, and plagued with parasites; for most this was the first time (and likely to be the last) they have ever seen a vet.

An astonishing 60% of the female adult dogs and cats that we fixed were in early stages of pregnancy; thus at least several hundred more unwanted puppies and kittens were prevented from being born in the coming months.

We were overwhelmed by the incredible support given by the West Grand Bahama District Council. They didn't simply provide a room in a building. They provided incredible physical and moral support as well, and their enthusiasm and dedication were absolutely vital to the success of this clinic. The council members and staff went above and beyond each and every day for this project.

We are also grateful for the support received from our counterparts in Nassau, both moral and physical, especially the loan of an anesthesia machine and over a dozen wire crates from Operation Potcake.

There is still much work to be done in West Grand Bahama (indeed, all of Grand Bahama) but we are very encouraged with what was accomplished last week. We are confident that, going forward and with adequate support; we are on the right track to accomplish our ultimate goal of alleviating pet overpopulation and animal suffering on this island.

Mission: Potcake was graced with the amazing skills of several accomplished veterinarians: Dr. Dawn Gibbs, HSGB Medical Director (Freeport), and Dr. Emily Hays, Dr. Sharon Staples and Dr. Sue Gravlin, all of Colorado. Along with some amazing veterinary technicians/assistants: Alex Nash-Ford, Michele Blackburn, Caty Critz, and Lisa Petri, all of Colorado; and Ashanti Cooper and Karen Mathurin, HSGB staff.


Funding for this clinic was provided by many individual donors from abroad and locally; a few large donations and many small ones are a true testament that a large number of people can come together and make a project of this magnitude a reality. Every single donation was important! This included a very successful fundraising event held in Colorado last month by The Kohn Foundation and co-hosted by several Colorado rescues who are great friends of our potcakes (Outpaws, Colorado Animal Rescue League, and the Evergreen Animal Protective League), and attended by a large number of Colorado rescue friends and potcake adopters.

A number of local supporters also rallied to provide meals for the visiting veterinary professionals, and lunches for all the hardworking volunteers. We are grateful most of all to HSGB board member Penny Ettinger for organizing the food for both. And to food providers Judy Rose, Susan Sweeting Jensen, Christine Parker, Siobhan Antoni, Vicki Stafford, Gwynn Porter, Caraline Holding, and Brian and Debbie Botham. And to those who donated for lunches for all the hard working volunteers: Tony Cassano & Sandy Bragg, Tom Ward, Leslie Disler, Nichole & Greg Holmes, Andrea & Steve Bayly, Cindy Albury, Elly Decter & Rich Devries, Barb Stollery, and Karen Matlack.

M.A.S.H. clinics such as this require an incredible number of support personnel to run smoothly and efficiently. In addition to the veterinary team, we had some amazing local volunteers assisting:

Intake/Admissions: Caraline Holding, Sarah Matthewman, Elly Decter

Discharge: Gloria McGlone, Cassie B. Meredith

Animal Transport: Jeff Morasco, Linda Sawall, Ashley Murphy, Gloria McGlone, Liz Franklin, Floyd Rahming

Cleaning/Sterilizing Instruments: Jacqueline Laker, Judy Rose, Jill Cooper, Nancie Pollard, Cassie B. Meredith, Doreen Jamieson

Recovery: Lisa Pakosh, Ana Dickinson, Ivy Elden, Bev Dobinson, Barry Parker, Elisabeth Jordgrav, Thea Albert, Letitia Parker, Jade Dobinson

Surgery Assistant: Michelle Lovatt

Not to mention several HSGB staff who worked extremely long hours all week, and others, both staff and volunteers, who came out to help if only for a few hours. It all came together to ensure a successful clinic!

On a more sobering note: Different from the 260 animals sterilized, 100 animals (mostly puppies) were surrendered to the shelter during this clinic which increased our average monthly shelter intake by almost 100% in only five days. Volunteers, fosters, donations, and rescue options are needed more than ever before. If anyone can help in any way, please call the shelter at 352.2477 or email


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