Bahamas pinned to benefits for wrestling programs
By Clarence Rolle
Sep 15, 2016 - 2:07:06 PM


Nenad Lalovic, president of United World Wrestling (UWW), promised great support for small countries like the Bahamas that are developing Olympic style wrestling programs.

Mr. Lalovic was speaking at the UWW Congress in Macon, France just two weeks after the close of the Olympic Games in Rio. UWW, the international federation governing the sport of wrestling, holds its congress every two years in order to elect executive board members and deal with other pressing business. President Lalovic said better helping national federations will strengthen UWW.

“I insist on this point,” he said. “We have to build up with you our international federation, which is like a machine that will solve problems, move forward and find solutions.”


After attending the conference, Clarence Rolle, president of the Bahamas Amateur Wrestling Federation (BAWF), said BAWF will follow up with President Lalovic to secure the promised support.

“Wrestling is still underutilized in The Bahamas,” Mr. Rolle said. “It is a great development tool, like other sports, but there are still a lot of misunderstanding about the sport, and we need the support of our international federation to educate Bahamians and advance wrestling. Once our population understands the opportunities to gain an education and to represent our country internationally through wrestling, we will see a huge growth in the sport.”

Mr. Rolle said the BAWF will soon announce training and competition opportunities that are being arranged with UWW, the Bahamas Olympic Committee and other entities.

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