Influential Voice - Kim Welcome
Talking Tips: Polish and Presence
By Kim Welcome
Jun 22, 2011 - 7:23:34 PM

Many people underestimate the value of polish and presence when representing themselves and their company. Polish conveys you are serious about your business and you don’t take your customer’s business for granted. It is easy to become so relaxed in our jobs that we forget to be polished. Beyond the outward presentation, polish is demonstrated in the way you communicate with those who choose to do business with you.  

Polish is that professional dimension we should show when we are at work, which should be different than the persona we show when we are relaxing with our friends. It takes effort, it requires us to “turn it on” and earn the right to the client’s business. 

There are small nuances you can add to your professional persona that will help to polish your presentation.  

A smile expresses we’re glad you’ve considered doing business with us.

Eye contact communicates we’re confident in ourselves, our product and service.

Proper grammar conveys we are educated and think you are worthy of our best speech.

Clear enunciation suggests we are meticulous.

The use of expressiveness comes across as enthusiasm.

Use of pleasantries like, “my pleasure” and “certainly” distinguish us from the competition.

Great phrases like, “right away” and “I can help you with that” help demonstrate our responsiveness. 

Polish requires us to be more cognizant and creative. In turn, polish creates presence and charisma. Polish can turn the mundane into the extraordinary and give your company a competitive edge. The benefit of adding just a modest amount of polish to the way we communicate can be magnificent, try it.  

Kim Welcome is CEO of Influential Voice, a Communication Trainer, Coach and Voice Actor; she assists businesses and individuals to achieve their goals through helping them to develop deliberate, skillful, polished communication skills. For more info email .  

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