Last Updated: Feb 13, 2017 - 1:45:37 AM |
The Bahamas Weekly is pleased to announce our latest columnist,
Rouén Robinson who will be providing film reviews under the title
Screen Scene.
Rouén has been an avid moviegoer since childhood and has been critiquing motion pictures for almost a decade. He has been a film critic for
The Cinemas on Tempo and was a judge for
FLIFF On Location: Grand Bahama Island, an off shoot of the Fort Lauderdale International Film Festival (FLIFF).
He will be writing about newly released international films, Bahamian films, and video on demand and series on Netflix. Rouén rates films on a scale of 1 to 5.
"We are very pleased to have Rouén on board," said The Bahamas Weekly's editor and co-founder, Robbin Whachell. "We all love film, and Netflix has started to replace our movie-going and TV experience. I for one, look forward to reading his take on what's hot, and what's not."
Check out some of
Rouén's review HERE.
Rouén lives in Grand Bahama and can be reached at redr1976@icloud.com and on Twitter @thereelrouen
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