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Advisory Youth Council of the Bahamas on the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Resolution at UN Human Rights Council
By Advisory Youth Council of the Bahamas
Jun 23, 2011 - 11:29:36 PM
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Nassau, Bahamas - Friday , June 17th 2011 the United Nations endorsed a resolution to protect the rights of gay, lesbian and transgender people around the world, a resolution which the Commonwealth of The Bahamas supported along with 22 membership countries. The resolution addresses the grave concerns of discrimination and abuse against LGBT individuals. The Advisory Youth Council of The Bahamas examined the resolution and concluded that is was a resolution of historic proportions. The declaration was prudently worded, aimed to concentrate solely on protecting lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgender from discrimination. The resolution represents an historic step towards human rights around the world and in our country. We condemn any acts of violence, abuse, and discrimination in The Bahamas and around the world , towards individuals because of their sexual orientation and gender identity.
Although the opinions remained divided among the citizens of our country, we believe
this resolution is very important and is one that we should embrace. This organization will continue to promote and protect human rights in this country and through out the region. We believe that this will foster a cessation of discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. June 17th marked an historic day in the continuous fight for human rights around the world. The Advisory Youth Council of The Bahamas both commends and supports the Government's decision on the resolution.
This was the first ever Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Resolution at UN Human Rights Council and was recognized internationally around the world. This is most certainly in our view a step forward in building a foundation for human rights in our country and defining a new frontier of protection for everyone. Our organization believes that each citizen in our country deserves equal treatment and ought to be secure from any form of discrimination and violence. The minority is entitled to their equal rights and they must be protected by law. When any citizen of this country's rights are threatened and unjustly denied, it is the responsibility of the government to have those rights restored. When we decide to judge one another, it prevents us from seeing the common good we share as a country.
Lastly, the perennial dictum of society is to spread good will toward all men and so it is with this adage in mind that we take our stance and resolve in full support of the LGBT UN Resolution.
Advisory Youth Council of the Bahamas
Latrae Rahming
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