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Bahamas Tax Compliance Certificate to Be Introduced
By Department of Inland Revenue
Aug 12, 2015 - 4:24:38 PM

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Nassau, Bahamas  - The Department of Inland Revenue advises the public of the introduction of a new Tax Compliance Certificate. The Tax Compliance Certificate will be issued to taxpayers who are current with their tax obligations to the government. These obligations include filing tax returns and paying the assessed taxes.

The certificate is required for individuals who:

  • Wish to tender for the award of a contract with the government or a public body,
  • Wish to collect monies for services rendered under a contract awarded by the government or a public body
  • Wish to register ownership or change ownership of a taxable good;
  • Receive concession (allowances) under the provisions of legislation The certificate will be valid for a period of one month or six months, depending on the value of the contract.

Information about the Tax Compliance Certificate can be found in the Financial Administration and Audit (Amendment) Act 2015 Part IIB (of Section 19i).

NB: The public should be aware that a Tax Compliance Certificate will not limit the execution of audits and will not rule out taxes that are owed to the Government.  Business Licence operations are) now located in new facilities at the Department of Inland Revenue (CRA) in the rear of the Shops at Carmichael Plaza on Carmichael Road.

For more information email taxinquiries@bahamas.gov.bs or contact The Department of Inland Revenue at (242) 225-7280 or (242) 461-8050.

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