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Arts & Culture Last Updated: Feb 6, 2017 - 2:32:04 PM

Doongalik and NAGB hosts School Art Supply Drive throughout month of August
By Dionne Benjamin-Smith
Aug 6, 2013 - 5:15:07 PM

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Nassau, Bahamas - During the month of August 2013, Doongalik Studios Art Gallery on Village Road and The National Art Gallery of The Bahamas on West Hill Street will each adopt a government high school in their community and bolster their art programmes by providing much needed supplies to their students.

Artist materials are expensive and many students cannot afford even the most basic supplies. We are therefore encouraging the community to donate unopened/gently used art supplies (i.e. sketch paper, pencils, charcoal, paint, brushes, etc.) during the month of August. Materials can be dropped off at either gallery location and 100% of the supplies will go directly to the art departments and fuel the creative expression of young Bahamian artists.

Help put a paint brush or pencil in the hands of an art student. Help us drive the dream.

CLICK HERE for more information or please contact Orchid Burnside at 394.1886 or Jordia Benjamin at 328.5800.

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