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RBDF provides Non-Financial Assistance to Comrade
By Royal Bahamas Defence Force (RBDF)
Sep 5, 2020 - 6:47:40 PM

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(Photo courtesy of RBDF Public Relations section)

Defence Headquarters - Officers and Marines from the Royal Bahamas Defence Force recently joined forces to assist a recently retired comrade on Thursday past. 

Force Chief Petty Officer (FCPO) Shawn Rolle in recent times, experienced a medical challenge, which has increased his reliance on wheelchair, which led his family to create a temporary ramp to assist him in accessing his house. 

Current and past members of Entry 19, of which he is a part of, were happy to facilitate the construction of a wheelchair ramp at his residence, in Eastern New Providence. With the assistance of the RBDF’s Building Maintenance Team (BMT), led by Lieutenant Commander Kenneth Forbes, the men built a ramp near the main entrance of the home of Chief Petty Officer Rolle, which provides easy access for him.  

“I am thankful to my squadmates, who came up with the idea because when they first came to my house, I was in a wheelchair”, said Rolle. “The BMT Department are to be commended also. They told me they would be here by 7:00 am and the task would be complete by 10:00 am. I will be forever grateful for their assistance,” Rev, as he is affectionately known, expressed.

Slide show: (Photos courtesy of RBDF Public Relations section)

Force Chief Petty Officer Shawn Rolle joined the Defence Force in January 1987, where he has spent over 33 years in the organization. He officially retired from the force a few weeks ago on August 23. The force is grateful for his dedicated services and wishes him a full recovery. He was also presented with a token of love from the men of his entry. 

As the Royal Bahamas Defence Force continues to patrol and protect the territorial integrity of the Bahamas, the organization seeks to enhance the welfare and moral of the men and women, including its veterans.  

(For further information please contact the RBDF Public Relations Department or visit our website: www.rbdf.gov.bs, follow us on Facebook, Twitter and view our Youtube channel)

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