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Community : Grand Bahama Last Updated: Oct 21, 2020 - 9:25:53 PM

Illegal dumping will not be tolerated
By The Grand Bahama Development Company Limited
Oct 21, 2020 - 6:14:23 PM

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Freeport, Grand Bahama - The Grand Bahama Development Company Limited (DEVCO) is aware that hazardous material was disposed of in the Lucaya area, and has taken steps to ensure a swift clean-up.

DEVCO and its maintenance company, Lucaya Service Company Ltd. (LUSCO), are working with the relevant authorities and environmental agencies to identify the offender(s).  

LUSCO management stated that there is zero tolerance for this type of action, and that they consistently work to maintain and improve the subdivisions and public areas of Lucaya. Unfortunately, littering and illegal dumping continue to occur throughout the area, which is a detriment to Grand Bahama’s economic and environmental health. Action such as this recent dumping is illegal and will not be tolerated, LUSCO advised. Further, they remind and encourage all residents to utilize the services of Sanitation Services Limited or related licensees when they need to dispose of waste materials.

Residents who require more information about proper disposal of garbage and waste materials may contact the LUSCO hotline at 350-9016 or email info@lusco.org. 

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