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Columns : Robbin's Nest - Robbin Whachell Last Updated: Feb 6, 2017 - 2:32:04 PM

New Year's Evolution
By Robbin Whachell
Dec 31, 2009 - 5:57:19 AM

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A new year is upon us, and it is usually that time of year to reflect on where we we are at in our lives. Many love to take this time to create their resolutions for the coming year, while pessimists may say, "What is the point? You are only going to stop doing them anyhow...!"

I feel that IF soooo many people are taking time to go inward, reflect, and attempt to make change, that this time of year must be a positive one for the entire planet. It is said that 'thought has energy'. If millions are thinking to make change, do good, commit to self and others, than a positive shift must certainly be eminent each year at this time.

So what if most of us fall away from that attempt? Our thoughts are powerful things. Energy flows where energy goes. The attempt is better than no attempt, and yes of course, it is something we should reflect upon each and every day of our lives...not just at the start of a fresh year.

Time seems to have sped up. I am sure you can agree with that. 2009 was the fastest year on record for me! and full of great challenges and rewards! If we can make each day, New Year’s Day, wow, think of the vast good we can do for ourselves and the world?!

I like to begin each year by reflecting on the past year. I write down all my accomplishments - a very interesting exercise and we often think we didn’t get up to much, but when you take a quiet moment to reflect and think back, you will be surprised at just how much you did do! Try it and see.

From the base of acknowledgment, and then gratitude for the things we have accomplished in our life,  it is easier to then move forward with new goals. It can build our confidence.

Another good exercise is to write everything you are grateful for. I mean EVERYTHING, from your warm bed to a hug you received the day before. This is another powerful exercise that can set the tone for your new year.

I keep every dream I have ever had alive until I have accomplished it. It doesn’t matter that I may have written the goal "Write a book" in 2002, as I know that one day I will write that book.

So hold on to a dream no matter how extravagant is seems, and then cut yourself some slack. You CAN do everything you set your mind to at some point in your life. Often we get too hung up on the 'when' and I have found as I get older, that there is a 'right' time for everything.

We often push too hard. When we push and things flow, it could very well be the 'right' time. But, what I am finding now is that if the flow is not easy, then perhaps I am pushing too hard. So I surrender, and change direction... until I find the right flow for tasks that I can only assume I am meant to be putting effort in at that time.  It is like an ebb and flow of effort, or effortlessness, if that makes sense to you?

Your dreams and goals are just that, YOURS. Enjoy and open your mind to your highest realizations and shoot for the moon! Don't hold back.

I recently read an exercise where you just start writing everything and anything you'd love to do and accomplish. Just let it flow and remove your mind from it. You might be amazed at what lies within you. What you find could become a great template for your future.

So we have written our goals or our resolutions, and now it is time to DO! That is where we often fall on our face.  I often use a calendar to mark days that I am progressing, say if it is a fitness/health goal, I will mark my calendar days with a star on days I did do as I'd hoped to. It helps me visualize my progress. Thre are loads of tips online if you go to Google.

Keeping a journal is another great tool for goals. I record my thoughts and feelings of when I find myself doing well, and also of when I am not. It helps me make sense of where I am at.

New Year's Day is simply the 'next day' in our lives, so resolutions, goals are definitely a year long/everyday initiative and maintenance. Ever day is the first day of the rest of our life, so just keep on being a 'Nike' and DO IT!

Each day will take us into the next and the years will pass quickly, but through that we progress and evolve as individuals, and as people of this planet...

Happy New DAY!

About the author: Robbin Whachell has been a resident of Grand Bahama Island since 1998. She moved to Freeport from Vancouver, Canada. She is the mother of four children and is an involved volunteer in the community, in particular with the YMCA and the island's soccer programmes. She is a founding member of the Grand Bahama Writer's Circle, and The Bahamas representative for the International Women's Writer's Guild. Her passion for life on Grand Bahama comes across in her innovative and intuitive sharing and networking of information within the community she lives. She is appreciative of her opportunity to live in The Bahamas and looks forward to the continuance of being a team player within the larger community of The Bahamas. Robbin is the Editor of TheBahamasWeekly.com and can be reached at  Editor@thebahamasweekly.com

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