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Columns : Investing in You - Glenn S. Ferguson Last Updated: Feb 6, 2017 - 2:32:04 PM

No More New Year's Resolutions
By Glenn S. Ferguson
Dec 24, 2009 - 12:21:37 PM

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I am sure you are wondering about the title of this article because for as long as you can remember you have been making New Year's Resolution  and no doubt looking forward to getting started on your list for 2010.

But really has it ever worked for you? Have you been able to stick to those resolutions? If you are like most person your answer is a resounding No!

So why continue on a path that has not yet yield any positive results and which you know from experience will not?   

That is why I am suggesting that this time around change the way you have been doing things with - No More New Year's Resolutions!

In his book "One Small Step Can Change Your Life - The Kaizen Way"  Robert  Maurer, Ph.D., states that there is a part of our brain called the "amygdala" "sets off alarm bells whenever we want  to make a departure from our usual, safe routines. The brain is designed that way so that any new challenge or opportunity or  desire triggers some degree of fear"

So its really not your fault that you are unable to make the change. And that is why he suggests that you take VERY small steps so that you do not "wake up"
This is why you want to start your planning now before your brain is triggered by the expected ritual of new year’s resolutions on January 1.  So go ahead and start now while there are still 8 days left before the new year,
And no matter what your resolutions may be for 2010 I am sure that money will be included and play a big part in what you are able to do.  

So here are a seven suggestions to get a handle and take control of your money.
that  your amygdala.
  1. Get motivated. No matter what you wish for you will not be able to achieve it if you are unable to motivate and keep yourself motivated. So find you motivation for what you want and a way to stay motivated.
  2. Know where you stand financially. It is extremely difficult to get to where you are going if you are unsure of your starting point so find your starting point by determining your Net Worth- simply what you own less what you owe. Even if this is a negative number it's still o.k. because you need to know where you stand.
  3. Create a Spending plan. Write down your monthly expenses and income so that you can actually see it in black and white. This will allow you to begin to prioritize your spending and cut where possible any unnecessary spending.
  4. Find your money leaks. By figuring out how much money you are losing to interest, overdrawn and late payment fees and then put in place a plan to eliminate them.
  5. Become accountable. One of the reasons why you are not managing your money better is because you are not accountable to anyone. So get with someone you know who wants to improve their financial life as well and become money friends. And hold each other accountable. You will be surprise at the impact this change will have.
  6. Increase Income.  Look for ways that you can increase your income by earning more money. You will be surprise at how easy it is to add an extra $100/$200 to your weekly income.
  7. Use "Taking Control of Your Money" workbook as a study guide.  If you don't have it get your copy today.
By preparing now you will be able to meet 2010 head on and have your most prosperous year ever - Wishing Health & Wealth!

Copyright ©  2009 - Glenn S. Ferguson

Got a question about your financial or retirement planning any question at all go ahead and just ASK GLENN 
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Glenn Ferguson is a financial & retirement Speaker, Coach and Syndicated Writer, helping you to painlessly take control of your money to create wealth for you and your family. Email to: glenn@financialcoachingwithglenn.com  Website: www.financialcoachingwithglenn.com  Tel: 242-327-2453   Fax: 242-327-2456

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