
Last Updated: Feb 6, 2017 - 2:32:04 PM |
I am amazed by and curious about how is it that of all the days of the week, Mondays seem to be the day when most people are most susceptible to being irritated by something or someone.
Do you tend to agree that there is something here worth understanding?
Indeed, regardless of job description, type business and locale, associates from near and far have experienced an “Irritated Monday”. What lies at the root of such a regularity? Perhaps it is the low after a weekend high or the mental shift to work from pleasure. If we were to brainstorm the possibilities to this question we would compile a plethora of explanations.
In a casual conversation about said question with noted Executive Coach, Human Resource Consultant and Emotional Intelligence Facilitator Yvette Bethel, Principal of Organizational Soul, (www.orgsoul.com) her contribution to the list of possibilities was this, “Mondays do tend to be the first day back after Fridays which are peak days in some organizations/industries so there may be stress due to an overflow of work from the previous Friday. It may take some reorganization and negotiation of deadlines to help with the external stressors.”
For me as a Vision Coach facilitating learning and discovery to help people transition from where they are to where they ideally want to be, top on my list of possibilities was this possibility; on the repetitive display of a lack luster attitude and job performance on Mondays in comparison to the high energy and enthusiasm displayed on Fridays may suggest a misalignment between the associates job description and their passion, life’s vision, skills and natural talent.
What about you, what makes the list of your typical Monday irritations?
What do you do when you recognize and admit that the source of your irritation stems from the disconnect between your passion and the workplace?
In our continued dialogue Yvette Bethel shared; “based on my coaching experience it takes a minimum of a year to plan and execute a well structured career change strategy – sometimes more – but the process of planning usually creates a change in attitude because employees no longer feel trapped when they have a plan that is viable. Less work related stressors bother them when they start to see incremental progress toward their goals.” Ah! There lies one of many possibly remedies for Monday Irritations.
Beware! It will require a change, a shift, mentally followed by the physical.
Be encouraged! There are many who have felt what you may be presently feeling. Many of whom who have decided to tolerate it no more by making the transition toward having and doing what they are most passionate about. Just look at the number of associates who have made drastic changes in their job description and categories of employment, that is, from employee to entrepreneur or business owner.
Be equipped! This topic of “Monday Irritations” seems to be growing in popularity. Just recently I learnt about a new book release; “Everyday A Friday; How to Be Happier 7 Days a Week.” Judging from the title the Author Joel Osteen seeks to capture and describe the more remedies to “Monday Irritations.” (This is mere mention, not to endorse, suggest nor imply)
Be empowered! If you believe that you can benefit from being coached to acknowledge and heighten your awareness to reduce those things that irritate, limit and hinder YOU, perhaps we may have a coaching programme just for YOU.
Let us help you capture the image of your ideal life’s vision and goals.
Coaching you forward,
Kaylus Horton
Your comments, reflections and learning are welcome at coaching@renaissancebahamas.com
If you believe that YOUR workplace can benefit from having this article customized into a consultative coaching workshop, visit us at http://www.renaissancebahamas.com to learn more about how we can collaborate for great success.
Kaylus Horton is a Vision Coach, who facilitates learning and discovery for focus and direction. She is the Principal of Dialogues a Division of Renaissance Group of Companies.
Copyright @ 2011 Kaylus Horton

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