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Columns : The Pastor's Pulpit Last Updated: Feb 6, 2017 - 2:32:04 PM

A Clear Path
By Pastor Allen
Apr 13, 2010 - 8:04:05 PM

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Prov.14: 12.  There is a way (or path) which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof is the ways of death.  
{In the Hebrew the word way is: derek, deh'-rek; which has several meanings as follows: (1) a road; (2) a course of life or mode of action, (3) a conversation, a custom or culture, (4) a path or high way.}

John.14: 6. Jesus saith unto him, I am the way (or path), the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

{In the Greek the word way is: hodos, hod-os'; which has several meanings as follows:  (1) a road; (2) the route, act or distance; (3) a mode or means of a journey (4) a high way.}

There are lots of questions and comments about the direction in which we’re heading as a nation.  As Father Yahweh led the children of Israel out of Egypt and provided for them, so are His plans for the Bahamas.

In Exodus.20:3. The Lord gave Moses this commandment for the people “Thou shalt have no other gods before me”

In our pursuit for prosperity; as a nation we’ve bent over backwards and bowed down in worship to the god of tourism of which some 80 - 90% of our people rely on for their daily bread.  As a religious nation, we are very good when it comes to the quoting of scriptures, just listen to the radio talk shows on any given day or check the print media at times.  Despite all the scripture quoting, its baffling to see the high level of ignorance that these bible toting, scripture quoting walks in; based upon the words that proceeds out of their mouths.

I’ve heard it said time and time again “that the Bahamas would be finished, if America closes its tourism doors to us.” What’s so alarming about this statement is that, it’s not only coming from those in the tourism field but also from some of high profiled religious leaders.

As I sought God in prayer concerning this, He said unto me “don’t be perplexed by what you’re seeing and hearing, for the religious leaders are parading around as if they know me.”

The Bahamas will always face the same spiritual giants and oppositions because of the foreign gods and pagan altars that they’ve allowed to filled the land.

The church, which is supposes to be the most powerful organism in the land, has conformed to a set of powerless religious organizations.  Listen, and remember this! “The hardest spirit to drive out is the one that we’ve invited in.” We (The Bahamas ) have sold our Godly heritage for the tourist dollar; as a result we’ve invited the many spirits of these foreign gods who used their financial means to gain and have free course in this once God fearing country.

Accompanying these foreign gods and spirits are many plagues and curses of which has been unleashed upon the Bahamas. These spirits operates in many facet and their sole purpose is to rule and reign; one of the spirits methods is to distract the leadership (Political, Religious & Civic) with money and riches whiles the spirit of death and destruction have it’s way among the youths of the nation.

Take a good look and see how many of our young men and women have died senseless, tragic deaths in the past 10 -15 years, as the lost politicians and powerless religious leaders standby helplessly.  
Mr. Politician, Mr. Religious leader and you the reader of this article; please give ear to the scripture verse below, and seriously ask yourself the question “Are we (The Bahamas) heading down the right path? :
Prov.14: 12.  There is a way (or path) which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof is the ways of death.    

I sincerely believe that the Bahamas is one of the most beautiful country in the world and overall, Bahamians are some of the nicest people there is. But like Babylon, Rome, etc; with all of their splendor they were steeped in sin.

As a nation, instead of doing things our way; how about us getting back to Yahweh and being true disciples of his Son, Yeshuwa Messiah?  Rather than just being a nation of wayward religious church-folks.

For questions and comments contact us via E-mail:pastormallen@yahoo.com or kmfci@live.com or Ph.1-242-441-2021

Pastors Matthew & Brendalee Allen
Kingdom Minded Fellowship Center Int’l

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