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Columns : The Pastor's Pulpit Last Updated: Feb 6, 2017 - 2:32:04 PM

Bahamian Politics & Religion
By Pastor Allen
Jun 29, 2010 - 4:36:30 PM

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As long as calamity is not knocking at our door; we have a unique way of showing how concern we are for those who are facing some form of tragedy.  In reading this article all I would ask of you “is that for a few moments to please take off  your political  / religious caps, and let’s soberly think as Bahamians”

The two most influential forces in this country (Politics & Religion) has dealt this nation a vicious dividing blow. To the point that the Bahamas is literally falling apart due to crime and corruption which has rendered  these two leading forces powerless and has given a negative view of law and order in the eyes of the people.

How is it that this small, once beautiful Bahamas could have such a high murder rate; whereby 2-3 murders are occurring in a week, in little Nassau.  And Bahamians are going to sleep and waking up the next morning with the casual mind-set of “Well, it’s just another one gone”?

Here’s the twofold interesting dynamics that’s at work in this Bahama Drama: 

(1) 80 - 90 % of the Bahamian legislators are attorneys (Criminal, Corporate, etc;) and if there is a set of people who knows the pros and cons of the law; it’s these legislators.  The crime detection rate and apprehension of alleged criminals by the Royal Bahamas Police Force has always been very high.
But the criminals always seems to have the upper hand on the Police no matter the evidence; by hiring the very best defense attorneys / law firms (The Bahamian LEGISLATORS) to manipulate the judicial system to their advantage. 

Case and point:  How can over one hundred persons charged with murder be out on bail and others that are charged with lesser offenses be remanded?  Answer: The remanded offenders (if they had legal representation) their attorneys / law firms were not connected to the LEGISLATORS.
The politicians have got the grassroots Bahamians right where they want them (Between a Rock and a Hard Place), and despite the havoc that’s being wreaked upon the grassroots; they refused to see their beyond politics. 
This level of politics is so well orchestrated in that the people will passionately defend and argue as to under which government (P.L.P. or F.N.M.) did the most murders occurred.

It’s something like this !  Can you see the P.L.P’s or the F.N.M’s giving high fives to each other saying “We’ve only had 50 murders this year”   What I would say to these die-hard P.L.P’s & F.N.M’s is this “Would you still be celebrating and giving high fives if your sons and daughters, Mothers and fathers were among the 50 murdered victims ?

Bahamians, PLEASE WAKE THE HELL UP, and stop playing politics with the future of our country.       

Watch this!
( 2 ) I‘m at liberty to speak as the Holy Spirit leads; therefore I’m not subjected to any religious leader / denominations nor to any political party.  So with that being said. If this Cap Fits you; then you wear it. 
The Bahamas is filled with powerless religious leaders (Bishop, Apostle, Doctor, etc;) who knows the word of God, but not the God of the word.  This is nothing new or strange as throughout the bible, both Old & New Testaments there were religious leaders who was deceiving and fleecing their naïve followers and distorting the truth of God’s word as is being done today. 

There is not a community in the Commonwealth of the Bahamas that doesn’t have at least  two or three churches; yet the kingdom of darkness and the criminal forces reigns in these communities.
Through ignorance and the displeasure of being exposed and called out; many religious leaders and those of a religious mind-set would quickly adopt the view that I’m attacking the church; whereas absolutely nothing could be further from the truth.      
But rather it’s the Holy Spirit that is exposing the organized religion of man that has worked its way into the church.
The religion that Father Yahweh accepts and takes note of is this:  James.1:27.  Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.
Here are some defiling religious tactics of today’s church:
(1) The constructing of shrines / big buildings - places of worship and calling them “The House of God” 
(2)  Religious leaders competing against each other in the writing of their motivational books that includes a few scripture verses & the television broadcast competition of Ministries
(3) Annual money making religious conferences, seminars, workshops, etc; where attendees are almost compelled to purchase speakers products (Books, Tapes, CD’s Videos,) 
(4) The promoting / lifting up and idolatrous worship of the religious leaders as their photos and images are on display throughout their churches.

During Yeshuwa Messiah (a.k.a. Jesus the Christ) ministry the religious leaders were the ones who hated and despised him most.  If He was to walk the earth today His greatest adversaries would not be the drug dealers, the prostitutes, the gang members, etc; but instead He would face even greater opposition from the religious leaders. Seeing that, He’s not a Baptist, an Anglican, a Catholic or any of the other denominations and His message would be that of truth and not today‘s twisted prosperity gospel.
The high murder rate, the blatant disregard for law and order, the deterioration of the family structure and morals are the byproducts of the anti-Christ spirit of which man‘s organized religions are powerless. 

Father Yahweh is raising up a generation in the Bahamas that will not bow or conform to the religions or religious leaders of today.
This generation will not seek to have their name and titles highlighted but rather they will be true servants of God to His people. These are the one that He will use to rebuke / cast-out demonic spirits, heal the sick and raise the dead.

For questions and comments contact us via E-mails:pastormallen@yahoo.com or kmfci@live.com or Ph.1-242-441-2021

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